Weight I have lost

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Clear Your Head

So this was the week to get back to running.
Monday is always a rest day, so I went to work. I had a class all week. So I just sat in class and learned about project management. And that, what a total racket. I should market a process and charge for something that should be common sense. My God!

Anyway, D took G to the vet on Tuesday. We were all excited that she had taken her meds, she was eating and seemed to be better. He emailed me in class, and said she had lost another pound. Tears instantly started. I sat in the class and cried. I'm sure I was a great student for the instructor. D said we had to take her to a specialist. Seriously, again? This can't be happening to us. We just went through this 11 months ago with Porter. Needless to say, I came home and we cried and played with her. Wednesday she acted normal, and we were confused. More crying. More wondering. Still in class. Still no gym.

I checked with the instructor. I had to attend 80% of the class. So D and I agreed whatever the doctor said, I wasn't going to find out until 4PM on Thursday. At 3 he called me. All her tests were negative. They were going to run a test for Addison's. I googled it and it was a manageable disease. I never have prayed so hard for a disease.

Friday I took the day off, because we thought we were going to be putting her down on Thursday, and then if it wasn't Addison's we didn't know how I would react. Well Friday D called me (he went to work). Not Addison's. The specialists are at a loss. Another appointment on Monday. I thought about what I would do if D weren't in the picture. I would get the endoscopy as planned and the food tube. But if that turns out to be nothing, I would stop. At what point do you say, she is *just* a dog. Well head X-rays are the stopping point for me. D said the same thing. So we hope the endoscopy will find something, but I'm not optimistic. But we know our plan.

Friday night, I got an email that I passed my test. I'm a Certified Reliability Engineer. I want to celebrate but it seems like forever ago that I studied and took that test.

D and I decided not to go to GT's homecoming. The thought of all the people was too overwhelming, and both of us were emotionally exhausted. We dd play with G and Scuttlebutt outside. G likes to dig holes and stand on the neighbor's lawn.

Guinness 2 weeks ago

Saturday we went to the gym. Guinness wanted to go. But she has major hip deterioration, so it's a no go. Anyway, the gym was fine. I got 2.2 miles in 37 minutes (walk 5, run 5 etc.). Hip felt better to run on than to walk. Actually hip was fine, it was the butt muscles. We went to lunch to try a new beer, which wasn't there, so we had (yes, we HAD to go) to go to a bar to try another beer. After, we went to the grocery to get doggie treats. We watched football, played with G and Scuttlebutt, and I might have passed out at 830pm.

I have running on the agenda this week. It keeps my head clear. And God knows I need it.

We are still planning on the beer fest in Knoxville next weekend. Guinness will come with us, and SB will go to daycare. Instead of bar hopping after the fest, we will get a growler or 3 and some pizza and spend time in the Hilton. Guinness will have another state crossed off her list. The US Traveler.


Unknown said...

Hope they figure out what is going on with Guiness. I've been through this myself with dogs and it's not a fun time. :-(

kizzy said...

Guinness is so cute..So great to run with dogs..

pearl izumi

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Aw, I hope you guys figure out what is wrong! (Or rather the vets can!)