So this is the first 10K I didn't run with Doug. But my friend Anne ran it, as did my friend Kelly and my friend Kara. (How many times can I say friend?)
So D and I went over to Anne's house prior to the run, because it was only 1mile away as opposed to the 3 miles from our house. Then we drive over to Turner Field. Traffic was plentiful since the UniverSoul Circus was there as well. As 1PM gets closer we notice they haven't closed down the road. We are standing right next to the map that tells us where to start. Then a staff person tells us we will start across the parking lot. So more walking. It feels like it is 80 degrees but it is probably 70 ish. We see Kelly and Kara and are gabbing and then oh yes the race started.
We start running up this hill. Not a big thing. I don't see Kelly or Anne, but I do see Kara. She is about 50 yards infront of me. Get to the top of the hill and cross I-20 on Capitol. Still up a hill. Finally get to MLK and it is downhill. Mile 1 is 13:37. Take a turn onto Auburn Avenue. Kara is now about 300 yds ahead of me. I'm running pretty well. I feel strong. Go under the bridge and ACFB is handing out water to the runners and food to the homeless. That is cool, my money for the race is directly benefiting the community and I can see it. Pass Ebenezer Baptist. People are cheering. The cops are doing a good job for me. Up Howell. Around there is mile 2. 28 minutes. Howell seems to be down a hill and up one. Just stay with it. D and I looked at a house on Howell. I don’t remember which one. I like the one we got better.
Turn onto some road and cross back over BLVD. OMG that car is going to not stop. OMG the cop is ticketing that woman. HAHA, biatch! Run to some other little road. It is amazing I drive these roads every day and never noticed this one. OK, I have no clue what road I'm on now, but I've been here before when the ALZ walk was downtown. Where is North Avenue?
Cross Ralph McGill. Mile 3: 45 minutes. Up another hill. Turn. Turn again onto Piedmont. I can SEE North Avenue. I have a twinge in my thigh. Run down the hill by Publix. Jack used to live there. I no longer see Kara. Thigh is now hurting as I go up the hill. North Avenue is a 2 block run on a slight incline. Walk the 2nd block. Turn onto Courtland. Run down the hill. Another Feed the Homeless thing. The Ralph McGill Hill is hard. My thigh is killing. I'll power walk it. What is that ahead...the parking deck for Turner yes! Run Down a hill and now to the Hilton. Oh no, that is GA State not a parking Deck. From the Hilton to the Sheraton is a complete uphill struggle. Mostly walking. You aren't a loser for walking. You have to be fine for next week's 5K.
Finally downhill at Edgewood. Mile 5: 74 (yes, I know I missed Mile 4 somewhere in there). Oh the curve, up a hill. Who designed this course? Didn't they know these races were all about me!!? I think I haven't run any of mile 5. Up to MLK. Oh there's the Shrine. I got married there. The rest of this is easy. Running. Oh we aren't going straight.
Who is we, AL, you are by yourself, last. I'm not last, that would be the person who never started. AL you are last, shut up with the positive BS talk.
Up another gddm hill. There is THAT parking lot. OH, down hill across Memorial and Boom another hill. I'm walking. Why are the cheerleaders cheering about football? Why is there a ballet recital infront of the archives building? OK flat...there is Doug. Wait there are a million people running at me. Where is the finish? OK they are the 5K people just starting. Doug points down the hill. He runs (he can walk at my pace) with me. I tell him this thing was all hills. He said Kelly and Anne said the same thing. Around the corner. Doug asks me if I want a picture crossing the finish line. I say F-no! I'm still running. The finish line is ...are you ready...UP A HILL! I finally cross at 94 minutes.
I don't see anyone and just continue walking towards the car. Then I realize Doug and Anne are near me, and start coming to my senses. Kelly and Dave come up too. No one saw Kara, so I bid her farewell in my head. We walk to the cars (which was up an incline). Anne drives us to her house, and then D and I go home. I stretch, and then do what I do best...take a nap.
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