That being said, we signed up for Komen Race for the Cure (donate to me here).
Friday around 5 I realized neither of us had clean clothes. So I washed those. D was at a "sports" bar, that didn't know there were 2 hockey games on, and he had to tell them what channels they were on, the beer was warm, and they charged his CC twice. I didn't go, because it looked like a CEO's sports is where all the sports people are spotted when they are in town, so to me, it has to suck.
Anyway, at 630am D and I got up and got ready for the race. We left to go to Atlantic Station and cut through neighborhoods to get to the lot we wanted to get to. Pink everywhere, people climbing stairs and stopping right at the top. The amount of people was freaking me out, so we went to the Expo to find Thorny. She was there and we tried to talk to her, but the speakers were BLARING! We all found that annoying. M found us. She was nervous too. I waited in the Spot-a-Pot line with her, and chattered non-stop. I told her MD was really hard this year. She said she knew... (my mom has told me she wished I was never born...I haven't spoken to her in 18 years). She hates MD too, but only because she tells her mom she is great every day, and doesn't need one day of the year. I hear that. She does tell her mom she is awesome (and she is). So we caught up with D and went up to the start line. When I say we went to the start line, I mean we went there. D and M knew all the people would bug me, and no one in this race understands walkers in the back, so we said fuckit and went right to the front (well maybe 200 people in front of us). I turned on my Garmin to find it wasn't charged. Oh well, I had my HRM.
The race started. That's the last I saw M and D. I ran up the hill that goes from 17th St to 10th St. It seemed to take forever. I passed a lot of walkers. On 10th street we turned and went to W Ptree and came back down the hill. Nothing was very exciting, I knew I was running slowly, and I really missed Guinness. Back to 17th St, and I knew I had a little over 1 mile left. I passed a guy pulling a wagon. He would have annoyed me, but he was asking everyone to pull the wagon (with his kids). Like, "Hey you , I know you want to pull the wagon." It just made me laugh. Finally we got to 1 mile left and I knew the rest of the race was flat. There was an impromptu water station. We were passing apartments, and 2 guys were giving out water. They were doing it honor or memory of someone. I just thought that was cool.
At 38 minutes, someone said they couldn't believe we weren't at the finish. I looked at my watch...I knew I was running slowly. We finally turned, and I picked it up slightly, maybe...I finally crossed at 45:10. Eh.
M and D and I got water and some coupons to Perdue Chicken and our shirts. We went and said bye to Thorny and D and I walked M to her part of the parking lot and went to ours.
D and I went and got bagels and then went to Hop City the new beer store. It was so cool. And we found Bell's will be in GA on Monday. Hooray for Kalamazoo Stout. New Belgium will be here too on Monday, but eh.
We came home and then went and got pizza. We also got some beers (me Guinness, him Rogue Hazelnut), and some ice cream.
I told D that running has become boring...I don't have anything roaming in my mind. He suggested we go to Best Buy to get me headphones (he has taken mine since his broke). We didn't go though.
Random sign walking from the pizza place to the bar.

We came home.
Today, I ran 4.25 miles with Guinness in the morning. I had to or I was going to go nuts. In 3 minutes I'd been reminded of MD on my email, Facebook, newspaper, and news. She did fine at 66 degrees. I came back and my friends/family are so awesome. They all said that they were happy I was here, and that P and G were my babies, and that was what counted. That I am a good mom to them. D went to work. I had to run an errand so I decided to go to the running store. I remembered the one I was going to was closed on Sundays, so I went to the other one. The guy said my shoes have been discontinued. He looked at my gait, at my current shoes, at the inside of the shoe (where my foot hurts). We talked about the 3 pairs of shoes I've had, and what was wrong with the 36 mile shoes. After all that, he went to get 2 pairs he thought would be good. And of course they didn't have a 10.5D. So he is ordering them for me to try on. I tried on 10.5B and my toes rubbed on the side, so he said no...if it is bothering my now, it would bother me later. So we'll see.
So I can finally say, Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who is a wonderful mom, to those that are lucky enough to have a wonderful mom, and that furbabies count. Their lives wouldn't be so fulfilled without you in it.
Time: 45:13 (run)
Mileage: 3.1 (14:32 min/mile)
Calories: 643
Max HR 189
Avg HR 177
In Zone 3:16
Time: 11:20 (walk)
Mileage: .35 (33:22 min/mile)
Time: 70:42 (run)
Mileage: 4.22 (16:45 min/mile)
Calories: 946
Max HR 184
Avg HR 168
In Zone 19:37
Mileage: 3.1 (14:32 min/mile)
Calories: 643
Max HR 189
Avg HR 177
In Zone 3:16
Time: 11:20 (walk)
Mileage: .35 (33:22 min/mile)
Time: 70:42 (run)
Mileage: 4.22 (16:45 min/mile)
Calories: 946
Max HR 184
Avg HR 168
In Zone 19:37
Furbabies absolutely count!
Komen race didn't seem toooooooo dreadful. Smart move to start toward the front. We did the same thing, for the same reason, in the Race for Literacy last weekend.
Lots of miles this weekend. Good for you.
Yay, furbabies count! 'Runs' like that are more like 'events' than a race and should probably be treated as such. I agree with you, great cause, total pain in the arse, though.
Sorry about MD. I hate it because mine is gone. She was the best kind, the fun kind!
Congratulations on your race! Good for you for moving to the front because it sucks to start right out in a race trying to dodge all of the walkers and kids IMHO.
I am so sorry that MD is horrible for you. And furbabies do count... absolutely. Now we just need them to learn how to bring us breakfast in bed!
Great job on the race!
Thanks for the MD wishes. My heathens didn't even acknowledge the day. Teenagers! Hmph!
Dayum it! If I had been here earlier I would have slapped you up in my post too! Ggggrrrrr
GREAT job on that race chica! ;D ;D
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