So I had countered the offer I received on Friday. I mean, when you are making $7.25/hr just collecting unemployment, it only makes sense to look a gifthorse in the mouth, right? I never countered an offer before. I just accepted what I got. Anyway I talked to the guy on Monday and then went to the grocery store (misplaced the receipt again). Then I sent the counter. I asked for more vacation, a bigger bonus and a higher salary. And then I waited.
No email or phone calls Monday.
Tuesday, I made a list of things to do to keep me busy. The first was to mow the lawn. Guess what didn't work? So instead of completing the rest of the list, I had some beer and took a nap (don't judge me)! No email or phone calls Tuesday. Megabitch Al came out around 5.
Wednesday and no word. What did I do? Oh my God. They are going to withdrawal. I'm in a bad mood. I've had 4 hours of sleep. So, I went for a bike ride. It didn't clear my head. Just made me more panicked and megabitchy. I went and got Guinness some food and both her and SB some Advantix. Came home and the lawnmower started so I mowed the lawn. Came in and ate lunch. By now it was 2. Still nothing. And I have to let them know today. Hands shaking, I called the guy. He said he would call at 3. At 330, still nothing. I'm going to be sick. At 350, he calls. We talk 10 minutes. No extra PTO...corporate policy. No extra bonus...corporate policy. Higher salary...oh we can do that. I nearly fell off the sofa. I accepted the offer. I'm now a Quality Engineer.
So, I haven't had a hair cut since Jan 4. I called the place and they said they could get me in at 630. It was 425, now. Walked the dogs and then and got a huge cut.
Oh did I mention, I'm now a Quality Engineer?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
What the Hell Happened?
So Thursday started out wonderfully. I got on the scale. 2.5 pounds down. 20.3 total. Yes 5 years it took, but 20 pounds gone! I went biking. On the way, a recruiter called. While disappointed it was not the job I had interviewed with a week prior, it sounded good. The guy said he would email me, verified my email, and we hung up. Now since I was in the car with no pen, I didn't get his name or email. Whatever. So I went biking. A new harder hill route. At one point, I was thinking, Push, push, push!" As I passed a construction worker who was laughing, I realized I wasn't thinking so much as talking out loud. Anyway, he kept yelling at me that I was almost to the top of the hill. When I reached the top, he yelled, "You did it. Way to go! Be proud." I was feeling proud.
Got home and no email from recruiter man. D had been out of town for 2+days, and I was lonely. I was throwing up, my hip hurt, I was convinced the Aleve was making me sick or I was knocked up (and afraid to verify), SB wouldn't poop. Around 7 I went to the garage to take my bike off my car. I noticed D's car had a flat tire. Geez! I came back upstairs, and SB was eating G's food. I pushed him away and bent to get the bowl. He bit me. Although I didn't hit him, he pretty much was terrified of my wrath. With that, I grabbed my wallet and gave in to a Sonic Float. I came home, ate it, and cried. I texted D what I thought of his job and cried. I now had severe cramps. Guess what...not knocked up. But still afraid of the vomiting meant no meds.
And I cried. That made SB curious so he got in bed and licked my tears. And I fell asleep. I woke up with 4 ticks on me at 4AM. Great. Now I was itching and couldn't sleep. How does a person who despises the outside, who has 2 dogs who don't go outside, and who live in a metro city get ticks? (HOA's pinestraw which will soon be doused in Sevin). So at 6, pups were clamoring to go outside. I got up, and fell down the stairs. At this point, I thought about killing myself, but it seemed I would fuck that up too. I waited until 1045, and we went to the vet for G's monthly weighing. In one month down 4 pounds. So she has lost 20 pounds in a year. This made me sob. Rather than talk to the doctor about how I have no money to see what is wrong with her, we left, and drove to SC.
We live 100 miles away from GA/SC border. 2.5 hours later we hit that border. We stopped once (well twice--Exxon and McDonalds off the same exit) and there was no construction or accidents. I did have a fight with a lady at McDonalds. I was running in to use the facilities. 90 seconds at the most. She yelled as I was going in that she was calling the police on me for leaving my dogs in the car. Seriously...
I just looked at her and said, "Seriously? I mean seriously? Fuck you! No, fuck you. You know what lady, fuck you!" Well being that I was in UGA country (BFE) with my GT car (who am I kidding...all of GA is UGA country), and my luck was just so stellar...I knew the cop had to be across the street and would beat my 90 second pee break, that I got back in the car and left.
As I crossed the border, I called my brother and requested beer to be cold when I got there. G and I decided we deserved a Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich. We found a CFA 2 miles off the interstate and when we got back on the interstate we were 2 miles South of where we got on. And don't waste your time on the Spicy Chicken. It sucked. I too can make a Spicy Chicken Sandwich by dousing chicken with red pepper. Doesn't mean it is tasty. By comparison, Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich rocks. Anyway Guinness liked the sandwich better than I did. So she ate more of it. We finally got to my dad's (5 hours for 230 miles).
I had to run to the Bi-Lo for Zucchini, Cilantro and Green Onions. The express lane was out the wazzoo, so I used self-checkout. Apparently, Bi-Lo doesn't use produce recognition, so the attendant had to put every thing in. Total $2.40. I put in $3. Computer said I put in $2. So, now a manager had to come over and verify I put in $3. Leaving, the attendant gave me my change. Why couldn't anything be easy? It wasn't until I was in the parking lot did I realize I took someone else's change from the self-checkout in addition to the change from the attendant. Oh well@
So, my dad came in from his friend's and asked me how I was. Let the flood gates open. There were sobs. And I don't mean the glamorous Hollywood crying sobs. I mean the hyperventilating, can't breathe, loud, snot-pouring-out-the-nose wails. So loud, I didn't hear the cell phone ring. Anyway, I finished the pasta salad, cleaned up a little, and we went back to his friend's. I listened to my cell phone voice mail as we crossed the street.
That job from over a week ago...I got an offer. Go me.
Got home and no email from recruiter man. D had been out of town for 2+days, and I was lonely. I was throwing up, my hip hurt, I was convinced the Aleve was making me sick or I was knocked up (and afraid to verify), SB wouldn't poop. Around 7 I went to the garage to take my bike off my car. I noticed D's car had a flat tire. Geez! I came back upstairs, and SB was eating G's food. I pushed him away and bent to get the bowl. He bit me. Although I didn't hit him, he pretty much was terrified of my wrath. With that, I grabbed my wallet and gave in to a Sonic Float. I came home, ate it, and cried. I texted D what I thought of his job and cried. I now had severe cramps. Guess what...not knocked up. But still afraid of the vomiting meant no meds.
And I cried. That made SB curious so he got in bed and licked my tears. And I fell asleep. I woke up with 4 ticks on me at 4AM. Great. Now I was itching and couldn't sleep. How does a person who despises the outside, who has 2 dogs who don't go outside, and who live in a metro city get ticks? (HOA's pinestraw which will soon be doused in Sevin). So at 6, pups were clamoring to go outside. I got up, and fell down the stairs. At this point, I thought about killing myself, but it seemed I would fuck that up too. I waited until 1045, and we went to the vet for G's monthly weighing. In one month down 4 pounds. So she has lost 20 pounds in a year. This made me sob. Rather than talk to the doctor about how I have no money to see what is wrong with her, we left, and drove to SC.
We live 100 miles away from GA/SC border. 2.5 hours later we hit that border. We stopped once (well twice--Exxon and McDonalds off the same exit) and there was no construction or accidents. I did have a fight with a lady at McDonalds. I was running in to use the facilities. 90 seconds at the most. She yelled as I was going in that she was calling the police on me for leaving my dogs in the car. Seriously...
I just looked at her and said, "Seriously? I mean seriously? Fuck you! No, fuck you. You know what lady, fuck you!" Well being that I was in UGA country (BFE) with my GT car (who am I kidding...all of GA is UGA country), and my luck was just so stellar...I knew the cop had to be across the street and would beat my 90 second pee break, that I got back in the car and left.
As I crossed the border, I called my brother and requested beer to be cold when I got there. G and I decided we deserved a Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich. We found a CFA 2 miles off the interstate and when we got back on the interstate we were 2 miles South of where we got on. And don't waste your time on the Spicy Chicken. It sucked. I too can make a Spicy Chicken Sandwich by dousing chicken with red pepper. Doesn't mean it is tasty. By comparison, Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich rocks. Anyway Guinness liked the sandwich better than I did. So she ate more of it. We finally got to my dad's (5 hours for 230 miles).
I had to run to the Bi-Lo for Zucchini, Cilantro and Green Onions. The express lane was out the wazzoo, so I used self-checkout. Apparently, Bi-Lo doesn't use produce recognition, so the attendant had to put every thing in. Total $2.40. I put in $3. Computer said I put in $2. So, now a manager had to come over and verify I put in $3. Leaving, the attendant gave me my change. Why couldn't anything be easy? It wasn't until I was in the parking lot did I realize I took someone else's change from the self-checkout in addition to the change from the attendant. Oh well@
So, my dad came in from his friend's and asked me how I was. Let the flood gates open. There were sobs. And I don't mean the glamorous Hollywood crying sobs. I mean the hyperventilating, can't breathe, loud, snot-pouring-out-the-nose wails. So loud, I didn't hear the cell phone ring. Anyway, I finished the pasta salad, cleaned up a little, and we went back to his friend's. I listened to my cell phone voice mail as we crossed the street.
That job from over a week ago...I got an offer. Go me.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A week in Review
So I'm still counting down to Bastille Day.
Last Thursday, I skipped my workouts due to a 5 hour interview (still haven't heard back yet). Friday was my typical hill bike ride. I have a hill I picked out to eventually get up (like next week). Friday afternoon, I was to meet B for Happy Hour but I felt sick and went to bed at noon and woke up at 5. I blamed my nauseousness on the Aleve I've been taking and cursing.
Saturday was an hour on the elliptical. D came with me and ran for an hour on the treadmill. I found the personal trainer who is super nice (but I don't pay for) has bursitis and was a professional cyclist before she got Ovarian Cancer. She and one of her trainees are doing a Sprint Tri in August. She can't run more than 3 miles since she has bursitis and has broken her pelvis in 3 places (I don't know/didn't ask if they were related). Afterward, D and I went to Dick's to exchange a tent, and to Target because D needed a smaller belt. Actually he needs smaller clothes, but that'll come. We came home and watched Sherlock Holmes and Men who Stare at Goats. Both cute; neither Oscar worthy. B texted me about the lake on Sunday. I said I would go. However this put a big screw up to my bike riding on Sunday.
Sooo, at 630AM on a Sunday, I was out the door to the path to get in a 105 minute bike ride. Started at 7AM. It was about 80 and super humid. Mostly bikers (Get Fit Atlanta, Bimbo (pronouned Beembo) and Team BMW (maybe)) were out. Compared to them, I was recreationally riding. I got to 9+ miles. My ass hurt badly. On the way back the ride from miles 9-12 are uphill (if you want to be technical. It looks flat, but when your ass hurts and you are tired, they are up hill). I finally got back to the car. On my way home, I called B. Still leaving at 10. Got home and got ready and left.
About 20 minutes into the drive, she calls and tells me she only has 3 beers (can't get beer on Sunday in GA). That was fine, but I realized I didn't pack water, so I'll have to stop. So finally I got there a little after 11.. The lake is like a bathtub. And it is only June!!! Anyway, I left after 6 hours.
Because I have some stuff to do at the end of this week, I scrunched all my tri training into the beginning of the week. It is week 4 of tri training, so a taper, if you will.
Monday, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes swimming. I swam my 400M in 11:41. That's the fastest I've ever swum (or swam!)! Yesterday I went 60 minutes on my bike. Pretty fast. 11mph. I started to wonder if I had a road bike how much faster I would be. But my hybrid is fine. I should learn to ride hills before thinking about a new bike (or get a job!).
Today was a 35 minutes elliptical and another 20 minute swim. Nowhere as fast as Monday. Tomorrow 45 minute bike ride and then I'm done. Woohoo!
SB has resumed walking normally sort of, except now he doesn't remember obedience. Treats and losing my temper are going hand in hand. He just loves to dart and pull my shoulder. Last week he pulled me down on my hip. I threatened him and D that I was taking him back to the pound. So treats were pulled back out to teach him to walk on a leash (which he knew until a month ago). Crazy dog!
I have not been the greatest patient. The Aleve caused my stomach great pains which then set off my ulcer that has been dormant for 2 years. So I'm constantly sick to my stomach and won't take the Aleve. Advil seems to be better, and Aldi sells generic for $2/120 pills. I am icing and staying off the treadmill. Oh how I miss it. I'm thinking about "The Stick" or a foam roller for the hip. Haven't decided.
Last Thursday, I skipped my workouts due to a 5 hour interview (still haven't heard back yet). Friday was my typical hill bike ride. I have a hill I picked out to eventually get up (like next week). Friday afternoon, I was to meet B for Happy Hour but I felt sick and went to bed at noon and woke up at 5. I blamed my nauseousness on the Aleve I've been taking and cursing.
Saturday was an hour on the elliptical. D came with me and ran for an hour on the treadmill. I found the personal trainer who is super nice (but I don't pay for) has bursitis and was a professional cyclist before she got Ovarian Cancer. She and one of her trainees are doing a Sprint Tri in August. She can't run more than 3 miles since she has bursitis and has broken her pelvis in 3 places (I don't know/didn't ask if they were related). Afterward, D and I went to Dick's to exchange a tent, and to Target because D needed a smaller belt. Actually he needs smaller clothes, but that'll come. We came home and watched Sherlock Holmes and Men who Stare at Goats. Both cute; neither Oscar worthy. B texted me about the lake on Sunday. I said I would go. However this put a big screw up to my bike riding on Sunday.
Sooo, at 630AM on a Sunday, I was out the door to the path to get in a 105 minute bike ride. Started at 7AM. It was about 80 and super humid. Mostly bikers (Get Fit Atlanta, Bimbo (pronouned Beembo) and Team BMW (maybe)) were out. Compared to them, I was recreationally riding. I got to 9+ miles. My ass hurt badly. On the way back the ride from miles 9-12 are uphill (if you want to be technical. It looks flat, but when your ass hurts and you are tired, they are up hill). I finally got back to the car. On my way home, I called B. Still leaving at 10. Got home and got ready and left.
About 20 minutes into the drive, she calls and tells me she only has 3 beers (can't get beer on Sunday in GA). That was fine, but I realized I didn't pack water, so I'll have to stop. So finally I got there a little after 11.. The lake is like a bathtub. And it is only June!!! Anyway, I left after 6 hours.
Because I have some stuff to do at the end of this week, I scrunched all my tri training into the beginning of the week. It is week 4 of tri training, so a taper, if you will.
Monday, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes swimming. I swam my 400M in 11:41. That's the fastest I've ever swum (or swam!)! Yesterday I went 60 minutes on my bike. Pretty fast. 11mph. I started to wonder if I had a road bike how much faster I would be. But my hybrid is fine. I should learn to ride hills before thinking about a new bike (or get a job!).
Today was a 35 minutes elliptical and another 20 minute swim. Nowhere as fast as Monday. Tomorrow 45 minute bike ride and then I'm done. Woohoo!
SB has resumed walking normally sort of, except now he doesn't remember obedience. Treats and losing my temper are going hand in hand. He just loves to dart and pull my shoulder. Last week he pulled me down on my hip. I threatened him and D that I was taking him back to the pound. So treats were pulled back out to teach him to walk on a leash (which he knew until a month ago). Crazy dog!
I have not been the greatest patient. The Aleve caused my stomach great pains which then set off my ulcer that has been dormant for 2 years. So I'm constantly sick to my stomach and won't take the Aleve. Advil seems to be better, and Aldi sells generic for $2/120 pills. I am icing and staying off the treadmill. Oh how I miss it. I'm thinking about "The Stick" or a foam roller for the hip. Haven't decided.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Count down to Bastille Day
So D and I went for a quick run on Sunday. He was going 3, I was going 2. Being that it felt like Hell on Earth, we went to the gym. I started my .3 mile warmup.
Then took the MPH up. I lasted 90 seconds before I was in pain. So I hit the emergency stop. And started to cry (stressed much?). D was well into his run. He signaled he would cut it to 2, so I got on a stationary bike. The guy on the treadmill was in control of the TV. He was watching a Triathlon. I started to cry again. I don't enjoy swimming and biking doesn't give me a good calorie burn. Running, I both enjoy and get something out of... D finally finished and we went home. I had a lot of choice words for lots of people and was pretty much hysterical. I went to bed. I fell asleep for an hour. Then D brought me dinner.
Then I called my dad (a doctor). I described my pain, and he phone diagnosed it as bursitis (I have no insurance and no way to pay for COBRA--what unemployed person can pay for COBRA?, so going to the doctor isn't feasible). He said no running for a month, Aleve everyday, ice, and to stay active. I think he reiterated the staying active about 15 times. I bitched about D's work and the washing machine. His response was, "Wow, you are racking up the shittiest year you've had since what, last year?" This made me laugh, which made me cry. He reiterated the Aleve, ice and staying active.
So Monday I hit 4 stores for groceries (no Aldi savings....I lost the receipt)...basil shouldn't be that hard to find. By the time I got home, hip hurt, so Aleve (which I had to buy). I now know why I hate Aleve. After 2 hours, I need some more and have to wait 10 more hours. Stupid stuff. Still popping it, icing the hip.
Tuesday, I went to the gym. And met the elliptical machine. What a piece of crap machine!!! You shouldn't work out that hard for that little of calorie burn. I also went to the pool and swam 1200 or 1300M. Again counted down hours 'til I could take an Aleve. Checked to see if I could take more earlier. The response was, "Take 2 twice a day!"
Today I went to the Unemployment Office for my last class. Yay 2 months and I don't have to be bothered with them, except the checks. I also went for an hour long bike ride. Hip hurt at mile 10 (went 10.84).
So Doctor Dad doesn't think the tri is doable. D thinks it is. So right now I'm going with Dad's diagnosis, but am icing, hoping, not loading on Aleve, and trying to eat less, so I won't gain the weight I've lost back.
Now I have to go visit Dad so he can diagnose for real. Not that it will be much different.
And counting down to Bastille Day. That's the next time I can run.
Then took the MPH up. I lasted 90 seconds before I was in pain. So I hit the emergency stop. And started to cry (stressed much?). D was well into his run. He signaled he would cut it to 2, so I got on a stationary bike. The guy on the treadmill was in control of the TV. He was watching a Triathlon. I started to cry again. I don't enjoy swimming and biking doesn't give me a good calorie burn. Running, I both enjoy and get something out of... D finally finished and we went home. I had a lot of choice words for lots of people and was pretty much hysterical. I went to bed. I fell asleep for an hour. Then D brought me dinner.
Then I called my dad (a doctor). I described my pain, and he phone diagnosed it as bursitis (I have no insurance and no way to pay for COBRA--what unemployed person can pay for COBRA?, so going to the doctor isn't feasible). He said no running for a month, Aleve everyday, ice, and to stay active. I think he reiterated the staying active about 15 times. I bitched about D's work and the washing machine. His response was, "Wow, you are racking up the shittiest year you've had since what, last year?" This made me laugh, which made me cry. He reiterated the Aleve, ice and staying active.
So Monday I hit 4 stores for groceries (no Aldi savings....I lost the receipt)...basil shouldn't be that hard to find. By the time I got home, hip hurt, so Aleve (which I had to buy). I now know why I hate Aleve. After 2 hours, I need some more and have to wait 10 more hours. Stupid stuff. Still popping it, icing the hip.
Tuesday, I went to the gym. And met the elliptical machine. What a piece of crap machine!!! You shouldn't work out that hard for that little of calorie burn. I also went to the pool and swam 1200 or 1300M. Again counted down hours 'til I could take an Aleve. Checked to see if I could take more earlier. The response was, "Take 2 twice a day!"
Today I went to the Unemployment Office for my last class. Yay 2 months and I don't have to be bothered with them, except the checks. I also went for an hour long bike ride. Hip hurt at mile 10 (went 10.84).
So Doctor Dad doesn't think the tri is doable. D thinks it is. So right now I'm going with Dad's diagnosis, but am icing, hoping, not loading on Aleve, and trying to eat less, so I won't gain the weight I've lost back.
Now I have to go visit Dad so he can diagnose for real. Not that it will be much different.
And counting down to Bastille Day. That's the next time I can run.
Friday, June 11, 2010
No Laundry
I will not be doing anyone else's laundry, no matter how much you beg.
Our washing machine is broken, so I have to take all of the laundry out when it is ready to spin. Then turn on the spin cycle, let it start and throw the clothes in , while praying the clothes don't spit back at me, don't get out of the washer (I know socks have gone through to the neverland of the washer) and the washer doesn't make horrible noises or the front doesn't come apart from the rest of it...all while smelling the motor burning. And then all the extra water that was collected in the bin where the clothes went when I took them out of the the bathtub. So clearly, I LOVE doing laundry.
I so need a job, so I can buy a purse...or a washing machine...
Our washing machine is broken, so I have to take all of the laundry out when it is ready to spin. Then turn on the spin cycle, let it start and throw the clothes in , while praying the clothes don't spit back at me, don't get out of the washer (I know socks have gone through to the neverland of the washer) and the washer doesn't make horrible noises or the front doesn't come apart from the rest of it...all while smelling the motor burning. And then all the extra water that was collected in the bin where the clothes went when I took them out of the the bathtub. So clearly, I LOVE doing laundry.
I so need a job, so I can buy a purse...or a washing machine...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Listening to my Body...I'm not very good at it!
So Monday was Aldi day. $99 savings to date.
Tuesday was run and swim. It said 3 miles. Ok, I'll run 3 Tuesday, 5 Thursday and 8 on Saturday. No biggie. Off to the gym. I started at 4.7mph and ramped up from there. I ran under 37 minutes, my fastest yet. On the .7 mile cooldown, my hip was twinging. Still nothing exciting. Done!
Walking to the car, wow, my hip hurts. Walking through the grocery, wow my hip hurts. Walking the dogs, wow my hip hurts.
So I went to the pool. I also found out we have an illegal nightclub in the hood with the drug house (I no longer run in the 'hood, if you haven't noticed). Hooray for my skyrocketing property bills!
So I got to the entrance of the park (where to park for the pool) and some movie is filming. So I have to park .5 miles away. Limped but finally got to the pool. Wow my hip hurts! The actual swim was fine. 1200M in 40 minutes. Got out of the pool and son of a bitch! I forgot my towel. So I laid on a chair until I dried off, and then limped back to the car. Wow my hip hurts! Almost got hit going home twice, once by someone who ran a red light, once by some guy who decided to turn straight into me, until I threw my car into reverse and hit the horn. And he flipped me off!? Asshole.
I made dinner, while sitting on a chair. And did 2 loads of laundry. I couldn't sit still.
Yesterday, D had the day off. So with my hip still hurting (but not as badly) we went for a bike ride. 11 miles in 1 hour. My hip hurt in mile 10, but that was when I readjusted in the seat. D said we slowed way down in mile 10 and he thought something was wrong. Got home and then went to the pool. No movie set. We swam 28 minutes (800M). I was slower but I also didn't use my legs to swim. Guinness and I worked on massaging my hip when I got home, as a limp was noticeable. And it hurt.
So today was a 5 mile run. I didn't do it. I wanted to do it. I had to tell my brain I can't. So I did 4 loads of laundry and sat in bed all day because I'm bored out of my mind. I do this everyday, so why is today so bad? Plus I'm hungry. I had lunch at 1015. But my hip feels better. I'm biking tomorrow. And hopefully can do a 2 miler on Saturday. But if it twinges I won't go, or I will stop.
Seriously, who is this woman and what did she do with Al? Since when do I get so upset that I can't run?
Tuesday was run and swim. It said 3 miles. Ok, I'll run 3 Tuesday, 5 Thursday and 8 on Saturday. No biggie. Off to the gym. I started at 4.7mph and ramped up from there. I ran under 37 minutes, my fastest yet. On the .7 mile cooldown, my hip was twinging. Still nothing exciting. Done!
Walking to the car, wow, my hip hurts. Walking through the grocery, wow my hip hurts. Walking the dogs, wow my hip hurts.
So I went to the pool. I also found out we have an illegal nightclub in the hood with the drug house (I no longer run in the 'hood, if you haven't noticed). Hooray for my skyrocketing property bills!
So I got to the entrance of the park (where to park for the pool) and some movie is filming. So I have to park .5 miles away. Limped but finally got to the pool. Wow my hip hurts! The actual swim was fine. 1200M in 40 minutes. Got out of the pool and son of a bitch! I forgot my towel. So I laid on a chair until I dried off, and then limped back to the car. Wow my hip hurts! Almost got hit going home twice, once by someone who ran a red light, once by some guy who decided to turn straight into me, until I threw my car into reverse and hit the horn. And he flipped me off!? Asshole.
I made dinner, while sitting on a chair. And did 2 loads of laundry. I couldn't sit still.
Yesterday, D had the day off. So with my hip still hurting (but not as badly) we went for a bike ride. 11 miles in 1 hour. My hip hurt in mile 10, but that was when I readjusted in the seat. D said we slowed way down in mile 10 and he thought something was wrong. Got home and then went to the pool. No movie set. We swam 28 minutes (800M). I was slower but I also didn't use my legs to swim. Guinness and I worked on massaging my hip when I got home, as a limp was noticeable. And it hurt.
So today was a 5 mile run. I didn't do it. I wanted to do it. I had to tell my brain I can't. So I did 4 loads of laundry and sat in bed all day because I'm bored out of my mind. I do this everyday, so why is today so bad? Plus I'm hungry. I had lunch at 1015. But my hip feels better. I'm biking tomorrow. And hopefully can do a 2 miler on Saturday. But if it twinges I won't go, or I will stop.
Seriously, who is this woman and what did she do with Al? Since when do I get so upset that I can't run?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Fun Randomness
Georgia Snail tagged me with the Versatile Blogger tag, indicating I should come up with 7 things that are random...
1. I make homemade sausage. I started when D got me a meat grinder and sausage stuffer for our first anniversary (I asked for it). But I haven't made any in over a year. I need to start again.
2. I don't homebrew, because there is no instant gratification. Also, there are so many craft beers, and so little time.
3. Going on a cruise is my idea of hell. Being stuck with crappy beer, people I don't know/like, being around people in general, and people I don't care to know doesn't sound fun. Also not being able to see land scares the hell out of me. I'm trying to convince myself an Alaskan cruise would be ok. I haven't done well convincing myself. Especially when having good beer means more $$.
4. I have no desire to ever move back to Maryland. Every time I think I might, I remember the weather. People think that because of its location it is a moderate climate. Um, is freezing in the winter, and hot/humid in the summer. The only place worse in terms of humid heat is Florida (the whole state). Even St. Louis isn't as bad as the Baltimore/DC area, in my opinion.
5. I actually do like the humidity for my hair. It is the only time it has body and lift.
6. I have a severe curvature of the spine (but not skoliosis or so say the umpteen doctors growing up). Thus I will never run a 5K under 30 minutes. Most likely not under 35. It also affects biking and swimming. I most likely will never be able to do anything more than an Olympic Tri, due to timing constraints. So no M-dot Tat for me.
7. -ie words bug the shit out of me. Sammies, beeries, drinkies, thankies, etc. Nails on a chalkboard for me.
Go ahead and do this. It was fun.
1. I make homemade sausage. I started when D got me a meat grinder and sausage stuffer for our first anniversary (I asked for it). But I haven't made any in over a year. I need to start again.
2. I don't homebrew, because there is no instant gratification. Also, there are so many craft beers, and so little time.
3. Going on a cruise is my idea of hell. Being stuck with crappy beer, people I don't know/like, being around people in general, and people I don't care to know doesn't sound fun. Also not being able to see land scares the hell out of me. I'm trying to convince myself an Alaskan cruise would be ok. I haven't done well convincing myself. Especially when having good beer means more $$.
4. I have no desire to ever move back to Maryland. Every time I think I might, I remember the weather. People think that because of its location it is a moderate climate. Um, is freezing in the winter, and hot/humid in the summer. The only place worse in terms of humid heat is Florida (the whole state). Even St. Louis isn't as bad as the Baltimore/DC area, in my opinion.
5. I actually do like the humidity for my hair. It is the only time it has body and lift.
6. I have a severe curvature of the spine (but not skoliosis or so say the umpteen doctors growing up). Thus I will never run a 5K under 30 minutes. Most likely not under 35. It also affects biking and swimming. I most likely will never be able to do anything more than an Olympic Tri, due to timing constraints. So no M-dot Tat for me.
7. -ie words bug the shit out of me. Sammies, beeries, drinkies, thankies, etc. Nails on a chalkboard for me.
Go ahead and do this. It was fun.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Yay! Week 1 is Done!!!!
So yesterday, I had a 30 minute bike ride on my agenda. Not wanting to drive 40 minutes to a path, I decided I would go near the gym, because they have Share the Road streets. I was a bit nervous because the area had a few hills. What's 30 minutes though? Compared to last year where I avoided hills at all cost, I was feeling a bit proud of myself.
So off I went. I went up the first hill. No problem, Gears 2-4. Down the road and a concrete truck pulled out so I had to turn or crash into him (I was wearing a fluorescent green shirt, so I was visible). Anyway by turning, I turned onto the street where the concrete trucks fill up, also next to the track. So I went to the track parking lot. There is an incline (but not a hill), so I practiced standing up and pedaling. I was able to do it. All proud of myself (again), I assessed concrete trucks and none were coming out of their depot, so I could go down the street. I got back on the main street, and decided to tackle the hill past the school. I got up it in Gears 2-4, and a bit of standing up. When I got to the top, I noticed I was no longer on Share the Road, so I decided to turn around. Down the hill and up. No concrete trucks. Shit, a red light. Ok, I stopped. Started again, and the incline started. Switched into 2-3 and then 1-3. Pedals locked up. So back to 2-3. Still standing I got to the All Way Stop. I had to turn because construction past the stop would have me go on the road, and drivers aren't nice in that area (probably because the drivers are driving stolen cars and trying to get least according to 'hood crime reports). So, I turn around, and went back to the light, and took a right. Crossed the Interstate and went to the end of the road and turned. On the way back, I decided to explore a neighborhood. I passed the light (green), signaled with my arm I was going to make a left and got in the turn lane (also knowing no one was immediately behind me...there was a car now stopped at the light). I couldn't make the left immediately because a car coming, so I waited. Then someone honked at me, flipped me off and told me to get out of the road, because apparently I was in Her Highnesses way. I flipped back. Then turned. I practiced 2 more hills and then went back to the car. I only rode 4 miles in 30 minutes, but was all happy with my progress. I was so excited to see my hills on Google Earth.

Yeah, I don't know where the hills are either.
In the afternoon, I went swimming. I swam 100 more meters in 30 minutes (900 instead of 800m) this time. I'm playing with my breathing and stroke, at the moment.
Today I ran 8 miles. It was 72 when I left. It was 82 when I got back. I can honestly say these 8 miles were harder than running the KY Derby Half Marathon. I was drenched. The last 2 miles I made a lot of deals with myself that involved walking. Hence the last 2 miles were 18 minutes each. I ran around Grant Park. I'm not sure how I liked it. It was too damn hot/humid to think about anything else (yes, I ran with water, passed my car and got Gatorade, and stopped and got some chocolate milk).

So I finished up Triathlon Training Week 1
So off I went. I went up the first hill. No problem, Gears 2-4. Down the road and a concrete truck pulled out so I had to turn or crash into him (I was wearing a fluorescent green shirt, so I was visible). Anyway by turning, I turned onto the street where the concrete trucks fill up, also next to the track. So I went to the track parking lot. There is an incline (but not a hill), so I practiced standing up and pedaling. I was able to do it. All proud of myself (again), I assessed concrete trucks and none were coming out of their depot, so I could go down the street. I got back on the main street, and decided to tackle the hill past the school. I got up it in Gears 2-4, and a bit of standing up. When I got to the top, I noticed I was no longer on Share the Road, so I decided to turn around. Down the hill and up. No concrete trucks. Shit, a red light. Ok, I stopped. Started again, and the incline started. Switched into 2-3 and then 1-3. Pedals locked up. So back to 2-3. Still standing I got to the All Way Stop. I had to turn because construction past the stop would have me go on the road, and drivers aren't nice in that area (probably because the drivers are driving stolen cars and trying to get least according to 'hood crime reports). So, I turn around, and went back to the light, and took a right. Crossed the Interstate and went to the end of the road and turned. On the way back, I decided to explore a neighborhood. I passed the light (green), signaled with my arm I was going to make a left and got in the turn lane (also knowing no one was immediately behind me...there was a car now stopped at the light). I couldn't make the left immediately because a car coming, so I waited. Then someone honked at me, flipped me off and told me to get out of the road, because apparently I was in Her Highnesses way. I flipped back. Then turned. I practiced 2 more hills and then went back to the car. I only rode 4 miles in 30 minutes, but was all happy with my progress. I was so excited to see my hills on Google Earth.

In the afternoon, I went swimming. I swam 100 more meters in 30 minutes (900 instead of 800m) this time. I'm playing with my breathing and stroke, at the moment.
Today I ran 8 miles. It was 72 when I left. It was 82 when I got back. I can honestly say these 8 miles were harder than running the KY Derby Half Marathon. I was drenched. The last 2 miles I made a lot of deals with myself that involved walking. Hence the last 2 miles were 18 minutes each. I ran around Grant Park. I'm not sure how I liked it. It was too damn hot/humid to think about anything else (yes, I ran with water, passed my car and got Gatorade, and stopped and got some chocolate milk).

So I finished up Triathlon Training Week 1
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week 1: Day 3...
So D got transferred again (this is the 503892348384 time in 6 years). I'm not liking it. Further away (gas), no raise (hahahahahahahahahaha) and he smells like Asian Food when he gets home (I don't like the smell although I like the food).
He isn't happy either. Moreso the hours, which leads me to...
I have made dinner the past two nights. I should be on the prep line and leave cooking for him. Yesterday's dinner was a failure, although D said it was instruction/ingredient error and not operator error after looking at the recipe (meaning for once it wasn't my fault the rice didn't turn out...I can't cook rice). Tonight's dinner was ok, if I liked eggplant. Oh well. I'm betting I'm cooking tomorrow's dinner too.
So today's run and swim halfway happened. I got up. Drank 4 Cups of water and had breakfast. Stopped watching Burn Notice, and went for a 5 mile run. I drank 2 more glasses of water on the way to the gym. So in an hour I drank 6 cups. Ran the 5 miles. Sweated profusely. My legs were lead, but run was done. G2 was consumed during the run (half a bottle). G2 was consumed after the run (rest of the bottle). G2 bottle was filled with water after the run and consumed again. And I had 2 more glasses when I got home. The only thing different from a usual workout it I had 6 instead of 4 waters before the start.
On the way home, I devised my plan of showering, walking the dogs, eating lunch, watching Las Vegas, and then going to the pool. I finished lunch and was watching Las Vegas and started thinking I was going to be sick. Waited and felt worse. And worse. Argh! WTF?
So I took a nap. I woke up at 4 (pool free hours were done). My mouth felt glued shut from dryness and I had a headache. Definitely dehydrated. Kind of odd.
So I got some more water and an Advil. And made dinner.
So half of day 3 got done in Tri Training.
He isn't happy either. Moreso the hours, which leads me to...
I have made dinner the past two nights. I should be on the prep line and leave cooking for him. Yesterday's dinner was a failure, although D said it was instruction/ingredient error and not operator error after looking at the recipe (meaning for once it wasn't my fault the rice didn't turn out...I can't cook rice). Tonight's dinner was ok, if I liked eggplant. Oh well. I'm betting I'm cooking tomorrow's dinner too.
So today's run and swim halfway happened. I got up. Drank 4 Cups of water and had breakfast. Stopped watching Burn Notice, and went for a 5 mile run. I drank 2 more glasses of water on the way to the gym. So in an hour I drank 6 cups. Ran the 5 miles. Sweated profusely. My legs were lead, but run was done. G2 was consumed during the run (half a bottle). G2 was consumed after the run (rest of the bottle). G2 bottle was filled with water after the run and consumed again. And I had 2 more glasses when I got home. The only thing different from a usual workout it I had 6 instead of 4 waters before the start.
On the way home, I devised my plan of showering, walking the dogs, eating lunch, watching Las Vegas, and then going to the pool. I finished lunch and was watching Las Vegas and started thinking I was going to be sick. Waited and felt worse. And worse. Argh! WTF?
So I took a nap. I woke up at 4 (pool free hours were done). My mouth felt glued shut from dryness and I had a headache. Definitely dehydrated. Kind of odd.
So I got some more water and an Advil. And made dinner.
So half of day 3 got done in Tri Training.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wear Your Helmet
So I'm a biking-helmet-Nazi. I probably wouldn't be if it weren't for these blogs, but after reading about Rockstar's accident last year (and his FAQ about his accident), and one of Missy's rants or another of her rants ...there is just no reason not to wear one. I mean if you are going to spend $500 and upward on a bike and all the things that goes with it, what is $60 for a helmet?
So I'm on day 2 of Tri Training. I haven't ridden a bike since the tri last year (September). Getting ready, it took me awhile to find my helmet. It was on the laundry had been on the dryer until I fixed the dryer in February. After getting ready, I went downstairs and checked my bike. It worked. Off to Silver Comet Trail I went. Now this path is flat (I think 56 miles). It is in the 'burbs, and lots of people walk, ride, run etc on it. So I wasn't shocked to see lots of kids on the path. What I was surprised to see what kids with no helmets. Some kids were the teens that are too cool and weren't with their parents, so what are you going to do, but hope they don't (or do if you want Darwinism to take place) get in an accident. I don't have issue with adults not wearing helmets...because I hope Darwinism will take its course, but kids aren't smart enough yet to make that call. The best was the guy with the Roswell Bike baseball cap on with 3 kids with no helmets. Maybe Roswell should help you get a helmet, DB.
Now why is it so important? Because this path is where a lot of people train for bike races, triathlons, etc. so you have cyclists going fast. And then you have kids all across the trail who don't know trail etiquette (or their right from their left), add in a dog or two on those stupid retractable leashes that never work, and it is really dangerous. I'm not saying that kids shouldn't ride the trail, but give them a fighting chance in case they fall or crash.
So the ride was fine. I got in 10 miles in an hour. Pretty much my pace from last year. Without D, it was kind of boring. No one to talk to. I had to put the bike in the car on the way back (instead of the rack). We never replaced the rack from the car crash last year, and I forgot my bike lock (rack works but with only one bike, you can't lock the bike wo an external lock). And I had to go downtown to go get a jalapeno (Kroger sells pasillas, scotch bonnets, anaheims, wax and poblanos, but not jalapenos or serranos) and some dog food--PetSmart and Whole Foods are next to each other.
In other news, Scuttlebutt has become more neurotic. He won't walk with D, he will only walk on one side of the house for me, he won't walk on the sidewalk or pinestraw. If we had a yard, this might be ok, but we don't. So we walk in the street, in circles, slowly getting to the public grass where he may or may not do business. Then repeat the street circles back to home. This started last week, but has gotten really bad since Monday. Like we can afford therapy for a dog!
So I'm on day 2 of Tri Training. I haven't ridden a bike since the tri last year (September). Getting ready, it took me awhile to find my helmet. It was on the laundry had been on the dryer until I fixed the dryer in February. After getting ready, I went downstairs and checked my bike. It worked. Off to Silver Comet Trail I went. Now this path is flat (I think 56 miles). It is in the 'burbs, and lots of people walk, ride, run etc on it. So I wasn't shocked to see lots of kids on the path. What I was surprised to see what kids with no helmets. Some kids were the teens that are too cool and weren't with their parents, so what are you going to do, but hope they don't (or do if you want Darwinism to take place) get in an accident. I don't have issue with adults not wearing helmets...because I hope Darwinism will take its course, but kids aren't smart enough yet to make that call. The best was the guy with the Roswell Bike baseball cap on with 3 kids with no helmets. Maybe Roswell should help you get a helmet, DB.
Now why is it so important? Because this path is where a lot of people train for bike races, triathlons, etc. so you have cyclists going fast. And then you have kids all across the trail who don't know trail etiquette (or their right from their left), add in a dog or two on those stupid retractable leashes that never work, and it is really dangerous. I'm not saying that kids shouldn't ride the trail, but give them a fighting chance in case they fall or crash.
So the ride was fine. I got in 10 miles in an hour. Pretty much my pace from last year. Without D, it was kind of boring. No one to talk to. I had to put the bike in the car on the way back (instead of the rack). We never replaced the rack from the car crash last year, and I forgot my bike lock (rack works but with only one bike, you can't lock the bike wo an external lock). And I had to go downtown to go get a jalapeno (Kroger sells pasillas, scotch bonnets, anaheims, wax and poblanos, but not jalapenos or serranos) and some dog food--PetSmart and Whole Foods are next to each other.
In other news, Scuttlebutt has become more neurotic. He won't walk with D, he will only walk on one side of the house for me, he won't walk on the sidewalk or pinestraw. If we had a yard, this might be ok, but we don't. So we walk in the street, in circles, slowly getting to the public grass where he may or may not do business. Then repeat the street circles back to home. This started last week, but has gotten really bad since Monday. Like we can afford therapy for a dog!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tri Training: Day 1
So I haven't signed up for the Tri, but Tri training has begun.
One of the benefits of not working is I can make it to the pool during free hours, which means I don't feel lousy for spending $4 for 30 minutes of swimming. Anyway I was very happy to see the Pool Manager from last year was still there. In 30 minutes she kicked out 2 kids (no parents) and kicked out a mom who didn't have a diaper on her kid (you cannot miss the signs, and believe me, she can read).
My last week of May threw off everything. I didn't hit 70 miles running (69+). Also I lost no weight. To be honest because of the weekend I gained 4 pounds. Although, I can now tell I have lost weight, overall. When in Athens (Terrapin Brewery), I forgot a belt. I was picking up my shorts a lot. Anyway, there is something to be said for craft brews (besides they rock). You can drink a ton and get up in the morning and feel fine (provided you hydrate, eat and Advil yourself properly).
D and I didn't do anything yesterday but make some really good pork (salsa with bacon). We did discuss Memorial Day and what it means to us, reflection-wise. I believe Rockstar has phrased our thoughts much more eloquently.
One of the benefits of not working is I can make it to the pool during free hours, which means I don't feel lousy for spending $4 for 30 minutes of swimming. Anyway I was very happy to see the Pool Manager from last year was still there. In 30 minutes she kicked out 2 kids (no parents) and kicked out a mom who didn't have a diaper on her kid (you cannot miss the signs, and believe me, she can read).
My last week of May threw off everything. I didn't hit 70 miles running (69+). Also I lost no weight. To be honest because of the weekend I gained 4 pounds. Although, I can now tell I have lost weight, overall. When in Athens (Terrapin Brewery), I forgot a belt. I was picking up my shorts a lot. Anyway, there is something to be said for craft brews (besides they rock). You can drink a ton and get up in the morning and feel fine (provided you hydrate, eat and Advil yourself properly).
D and I didn't do anything yesterday but make some really good pork (salsa with bacon). We did discuss Memorial Day and what it means to us, reflection-wise. I believe Rockstar has phrased our thoughts much more eloquently.
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