I kept making sure that the left arm is the heart attack arm, because it was my right. But I know why. Friday morning they couldn't find a vein in the top of my hand so they had to put the IV in my arm (elbow bend). So before I was out the electric blood pressure thing was on my other arm going on every minute or so. But it changed somewhere along the way. At 915 I was bitchy and cold and finally got a blanket after waiting a whole 8 minutes. I also noticed my arm hurt every minute or so, sort of like a needle was being driven into my arm. But I had already caused a scene about the blanket that I didn't want to say anything in case they made it worse. So after rolling from side to side a few times for my air passes, the nurse said something was wrong with my blood pressure. She took the blanket off, and the cuff was now below the arm and on my wrist. But anyway...my arm hurt really bad Friday night and there is a nice bruise on it now.
So Vic and I got up and got dressed. It was 55 degrees. I know Anne would be wearing a tank top. I was in a long sleeve shirt as was Vic. We both ended up changing. We left the house at 8 and picked up Anne. She pointed out that the race went by her house, so look for J and C. We got to the cemetery, parked and found registration. After that, V needed coffee, so the people gave her a taste. Literally, she got a Dixie Cup and Anne and I had to look in the cup to see what she had. We put our T-shirts in the car. Then we hung out. D came up to cheer us on. I was very happy to see him and happy he was there. He could have slept another hour before going to work, but he chose to come see us. Yay D!
So the race started. Not a lot of fan fare. We started down MLK. Vic was beside me, talking (she is the most talkative person I know). She passed me, and I tried to keep up before I remembered to run my own pace. We turned on Grant, crossed over Memorial right by the Standard. I thought about a beer. They weren't open. Grant was downhill. We turned on Woodward and then went to Cherokee. It was a bit low hill but nothing much. There was a lady in a green shirt that would pass me. Then she would start walking. Then I would pass her. We crossed over I20 and passed the pizza place. Running down Cherokee...more downhill. I passed the 2 mile marker...I looked at my watch and it said 10 minutes. Obviously I had not gone 2 miles. People started passing me going the other way. Still running my own race, but knowing the course started bugging me...there were some hills I had to deal with...Drawn out hills...do I like steep or drawn out...not sure. Turned onto Bass. That was a steep hill. I got through 2 blocks and then had to walk. I couldn't get air into my lungs. I noticed while I was debating running or walking, no one besides me was running. I walked. We got to the top of the hill and turned. I resumed running. J and C were on their front porch. They waved and said "Go Allison." Everyone was looking around. It felt great to have a cheering section.
Turned again and noticed a line. Water station? Yes, and there was no water. I was fine with that. Back up Cherokee, and up the drawn out hill. I past the 2 mile marker at 27 minutes... I got up to the intersection before the pizza place and felt really tired. And my arm was aching, killing. To the point, I had it tucked in my side. I finally decided to walk again. I didn't lollygag though, and passed 3 people while walking. I got back to the I20 bridge and started running. Back across Memorial and turned onto MLK to head back into the cemetery. That green shirt lady passed me again (this was about the 5th time). I was tired. We were still on a hill. The volunteer told me to turn and run to the belltower. I started running a little harder, and I saw D. He was waiting at the belltower and took a picture.

My neighbors all screamed, "Go Allison!" I know they run sub-20 minute 5Ks so it made me happy they waited for me. I was pointed to go down a hill and it would be done. I ran and looked to my right, and I seemed to be below another path. I finally turned again, and had another hill. But I got there. And then I saw her...the green shirt lady. She had about 10 yards to go. I had about 15. I BEAT HER!!!!
And people with kids, when you cross with a 2 yo, please pick them up so I don't trip over them.
D, Vic and Anne all came and helped me finish my card. I guess the time said 43:25 but I went by my watch which was 43:06. I'm happy with that time. D kissed me bye and left for work. The gals and I went to get water which there was none. D was nice enough to have given me his gatorade so I had that, which was fabulous. We left so we could get water at home.
We dropped Anne off and then we went to the Decatur Beer Fest, and got way too drunk. Becky came with us. Michelle met us afterward. Becky left, and Michelle drove us home. This is where things fall out of my head. I know we watched Sex and the City. I don't remember it ending, and I don't know how I got to bed. I do remember going next door because I had hiccups and I needed peanut butter, and we had none thanks to Guinness's incident.

So 630 came this morning. I tried to get up. I think I was still drunk. D graciously got up and drove Vic to the airport. I love him. I got up 2 hours ago. Becky wanted to do lunch because her purse is at my house. I think Michelle has my sunglasses. I am doing dinner with Becky because food isn't my friend right now.
Congratulations!!!! It sounds like a great time (maybe not so much today, LOL). You guys all look fantastic and what I wouldn't give to have you to run with since we run about the same pace and no one ever want to go drinking with me after a run. ;-)
YYYYEAAAAAHHHHHH that's right! Take that green shirt lady down! CONGRATS chica! Fantastic job! ;D ;D
Down with the green shirt lady!!! Woo! Glad you beat her. CONGRATS!
I LOVE the title of this post with all my heart! Cracks me up each time I read it. Sounds like a good time was had by all, which is always a good sign.
Hope the arm is feeling better.
Looks like you had fun and way to take "green lady" !
Wooo Hoooo! Nice job! Way to take down the green lady.
Woohoo!! Great job beating that green shirt lady!
I know all too well about those mornings where you still feel drunk... that is the worst.
My favorite pictures are always the post race bar pictures where everyone has a relaxed, huge smile onn their faces. THAT is the reward for a well run race. Nice job!
I LOVE it that you ran down the green shirt girl...
Going to the neighbor's to get PB 'cuz your dog ate all yours is just priceless...LOL...
Congratulations on that fun 5K1 Way to beat the green shirt lady, LOL! Glad you had a cheering squad at the end.
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