OK, the weekend started pretty lousy.
I couldn't feel my arms. So all Friday I slept. I got up around 4 and took a shower and then D and I went for an early dinner at Fox Bros.
We came home and walked up 1 flight of stairs and I was exhausted. We were going to the Lion King at 8, and it was now 530. By 630, I was half dead. By 7 I was in tears at the realization that 3rd row center stage tickets were going to not be used.

So after crying, I went to bed.
Saturday we got up and I still felt lousy. We went to Linda's graduation. I am so proud of her. Listening to the keynote speaker, however, I thought I was delirious as it made no sense. Turns out it wasn't just me, so that made me feel better. Anyway, after the graduation we saw Linda who was also feeling lousy, so she was just going to go home to go to bed. Sounded like a plan.
After a 4 hour nap, I woke up and watched some horse racing. Be sure to watch for Behindatthebar at the Kentucky Derby. I'll be. D and I decided to return a keg we have had for awhile, but the liquor store said we needed our receipt even though we filled the thing out in triplicate so they have a copy, and the keg has a tracer number. They would take it back but not give us the deposit. So now, we have a keg, until I find a scap metal place or the receipt.
Then we went to Zestos on Ponce. D had never been to this one. We usually go to the one by the Kroger closer to our house but this one is closer to the liquor store. Anyway there was a homeless guy in the Zesto's and I was wondering after he panhandled all the tables why they didn't ask him to leave. D thought the same after he poured a beer from a brown paper bag into a McDonald's Cup. He actually had ordered food, but the manager had enough of him (he was talking to everyone yet no one). So after the bum called the manager a "chump mf" a zillion times, and tried to fight him, peace resumed. D and I finished our burgers and went back in line for the real reason we came...an Artic Swirl (a better version of a DQ Blizzard). We changed booths after ordering. D looked across Ponce and watch 2 guys beat each other up with bricks. Then a MARTA bus came and they took off towards BLVD. I said something about the homeless woman who watched it all. D informed me she was a drug dealer because he watched multiple people come up to her and exchange things. Now you are probably thinking we are in the most horrible section of town. But no, we are a block away from the Whole Foods and Home Depot. D has informed me that I cannot go to this Zesto's when the sun goes down. We came home and watched hockey and went to bed.
This morning I got up for my 5K which I was pretty sure I wasn't going to do. Just to be on the safe side, I put on my lousy running shoes, a old bra, and didn't bring my HRM. I picked up A because she was running it. We walked around Atlantic Station for awhile and I was out of breath. That also meant I was not even going to walk it. I got my number anyway, because I was going to get a T-shirt for C (A's Daughter). The race started and A took off. I took some pics of her at the start and at mile 1 (the same place) and walked to Starbucks, got a coffee and then walked to the finish line. I practically needed a water just for that. Lots of little girls at this race . I think Go for Girls or something like that was a sponsor. A crossed at 32+ which was excellent.
We went to get the T-shirts and they were wicking. So C didn't get a T-shirt. I did. The lady handing them out told me I had paid for it, so therefore I deserved it. It is a pretty cool shirt.
I dropped A off and then came home. I'm going to take a nap soon.
Cute t-shirt Alb!
You had such an eventful weekend...
Boo to the liquor store for not taking back the keg!
I really like that shirt, Alb.
It's great that you just showed up. I'm sorry this still thing has you on your butt.
My friend Anne was glad I came too. She didn't even know I took her picture.
I'm doing the race next week, come hell or high water!
Awww, sorry Al you missed the show. It was not that fantastic...
You have such a great smile. it lights up a picture
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