Weight I have lost

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey CW-X! I really need those Compression Shorts!

So, Saturday came.  I had slept like crap.  It was raining out.  When D and SB got back from their walk, I knew there was no way I was running outside.  Shiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt!  I was not in the mood to run at the gym.  I don't know who pays their Utility Bill, but it is usually 72-74 degrees in there.  And a long run?  I need to wear compression pants.  And my feet still hurt from Wednesday's run.  And I just didn't want to run.

D was getting ready for his run, which was pissing me off (unsaid guilt trip). So I got out of bed and put on my INSULATED compression pants.  This run was going to be hell.  I still hoped I could run outside.  I finished getting ready.  Downstairs, I looked one more time.  No go on 7 outside. 

So to the gym I went.  (D went separately since our paces are so far apart).  I started my .5 mile warmup.  I was in the typical urinal/treadmill mode (1 TM between each runner).  I finished the warmup and plugged in 90 minutes.  Except the TM wouldn't go to 90. It would only go to 40.  And now I had to go to the bathroom.  Dammit all to Hell!  This run was going to be the end of me. 

After using the rest room, I used the TM next to the Germaphobe (she spent 3 minutes cleaning her TM while I was warming up).  I'm sure she loved me and my sweaty hands next to her.  Do your hands sweat?  Mine are awful.  So by 15 minutes in, I was completely drenched.  I mean, eyes, head, back of neck, hands, arms, neck, feet, knees, butt, etc...  At 30 minutes I want to stop.  At 40 minutes too.  By 50 minutes, the G2 was gone, and the water was almost finished. Germaphobe was gone too. I was cursing my pants. I was cursing the gym.  By 70 minutes, I was wondering who invented the treadmill.  Then some guy came in to run as fast as he could for 5 minutes, and then run only a bit slower sideways.  Truly annoying but it only lasted 10 minutes total.  Then the lady that annoys the shit out of me by running 30 seconds at full speed and standing on the side of the treadmill for 2 minutes got on (I really need to learn to run looking up, so I'm not constantly looking at people's legs/feet...this would solve that issue). She was only on for 10 minutes as well (and blocked the guy partially). At 80 minutes I realized I had to stop the TM and restart it to get 7 miles.  When was I going to stop it? Would I keep going? Could I subtract my distance correctly from 7 to run the right amount? I stopped it at 5.9 and restarted. I ran the last 1.1 miles.  All in all it was a good run, speed wise.  I kept my pace even at 4.5.  I think I could have done 4.7 but with the hip hurting earlier in the week, I didn't want to risk it.

After my cool down and stretches (and 30 seconds cleaning the TM), I left.  I barely got to the car before my shoes were off.  I pretty much hobbled around the rest of the day.  The new ones have been sitting somewhere in Atlanta since Saturday. Counting down to next week to order non-insulated compression capris and shorts.


Julie said...

great job on getting the run done!!!

Like you I sweat so much at the gym, I think they keep it way way to warm! And then I see these people running jackets...please...why do you want to sweat more? Unless your making weight for something be for real!

Aka Alice said...

90 minutes on the 'mill? You are my hero...I max out right now at about 40...max!

I tried on some CW-X capris...really pricy, but I can see how on a long run they'd be really helpful. It'll soon be too warm for capri's here, and I didn't try the shorts, but I'm thinking of going back for them.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I imagine that gym doesn't have to put the heat on high to get it that warm - all those sweaty bodies probably up the heat in there with no extra energy. Gross.