Weight I have lost

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My 56 Pound Running Buddy, Guinness

Yes, A is a bud, and D is a bud, but this is my latest running buddy, in case you were wondering.


Marcy said...

Thanks for stopping by :-)

What a cute pup!

And I *heart* any woman who doesn't cook LMAO! High fivers!

Viv said...

AL, he is so cute! I have been begining round here for a running pard. I get told have a baby and take a stoller :-(

Carly said...

He is soooo cute!

Delane said...

what a cute pup!!!

I wish I had a dog to run with :-( Instead I have Charlie... like I said, I really wish I had a dog to run with :-)