So I'm in the middle of Week 3 of training.
Week 1 - Missed a 30 minute cross
Week 2- Missed a Lift
Week 3- Not done yet.
So far I've run more than I ever have. It looks like January will be the month of 6.4 pounds lost, and nearly 60 miles run.
My 4 mile run Sunday was slow. Probably because my legs were tired from the 5K the day before (I moved the 3 mile run from Thursday to Saturday because I had a date to see Leonardo da Vinci's sketches and have a glass of wine).
Tuesday D and I had the day off, so we decided to run outside. He took SB and I took G-dog for a 3.5 mile run. They both ran 4 miles the week before on the track fine. But we know (or knew) G runs at my pace for 4 miles fine, but can only run 2 with D before she is tired. Anyway, we ran in the 'hood, which is mostly hills. I saw D at mile .25, mile .7 and mile 1.8. At the first 2 sightings, he had SB with him. At the last sighting, SB was not there. D said it was a 50 pound weight he was dragging. SB was sniffing, and all over the place, and had majorly slowed down. So he took him home, and resumed his run. Also he was checking out his Garmin (2nd time he used it).
My run was ho-hum. Gdog and I ran. She kept going to the bathroom. Lots. It was a nice day. The terrorist dogs were out, although the German Shepherd wasn't. We couldn't go down BellSouth road because there was a loose dog out there, and I couldn't tell if it was stray or not. We were doing well and almost done the run (3.1 miles) when G decided she didn't want to go anymore. Unfortunately we were .4 miles from home and on our way home, so there was no way to cut the run short. She finished it, but at a much slower pace than what I'm used to her doing. I guess I'm not taking her out for a 5 miler this weekend.
Wednesday, I just wanted to sit on the couch. I even told D, we could move all the workouts and still get them in. He instead said to get dressed, and off to the gym we went for a 2 miler.
Thursday, D had off, so he ran outside. I didn't have the day off, so I didn't run outside. At 630pm, I was sitting on the couch. At 7 I finally got up and got dressed and off to the gym. I had to think about how to run the 3.5. I could take the easy way out and run 3.5 straight and flat. Instead I ran .4 miles flat and then put on the 5K circuit. I finally measured (again) how long the hill is on the circuit. .96 miles. The hill starts when you hit 1.75 and stops at 0.79. I did most of the run at a 4.5 pace. I got through the first 2 2%s at that pace, but the 3.5% killed me. I slowed down to 4.1. Then the next 2%, I ran at 4.2 and the next 2% at 4.3. I ran the rest at 4.5.
Nothing interesting on...Someone put on the Syfy channel, but I don't know what they were watching. And I wonder how much the lady next to me ran vs. what she thinks she ran.
She was doing the run walk thing except she was doing the run, hop on the sides of the treadmill for a minute, every 3 minutes. She was running at a 6.3 pace, but the mill was still running for that minute. So I wondered how much she really ran.
She left and I was left to my own devices. I finished and walked .7 miles (I walked .3 to warmup). My legs feel shot. Tonight is a 1 mile sprint and then weight lifting.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Go Out and Smash It! Like Oh My God!
So Saturday, D, A and I traversed to Marietta to do the Polar Bear Run 5K. D and I did it last year. It is in the 'burbs. It is at a church that is humongous.
So A picked us up at 650 and off we went. We got to the main road, and commented how it looked like 3 other roads that were in different burbs. Moes-check, garage-check
Strip mall that is half empty-check.
We were one of the last cars into the one side of the church. Apparently it's ginormity isn't big enough, so they are expanding. Because of that, they changed the course. From the looks of it, it looked better, because it wasn't a loop-and a half around the church, but took you out on some roads. We got our stuff, and put everything in the car, and hung out in one of the many hallways in the church until the race started.
Now, a typical Atlanta race means there is not chip timing. This race did have chip timing for its 2000 participants. However, they didn't have a start mat, so basically, there is no point for the chip, imo. The race started. I guessed where the start was (my guess was a tree...D said it was a fire hydrant). Pretty close. And we're off. Down Johnson Ferry. So many people. And traffic cops kept yelling to stay in one lane.
HUGE BOTTLENECK. Walkers started out in the front, so it was hard to pass, but I did. I got yelled at by the traffic cop 4 times. Crossed Lower Roswell RD. I'm willing to bet this is not connected to Roswell RD (you can tell me, I'm not that pressed to googlemap it). Mile 1 was 12:15. Hold up!!!! 12 :15. WTF? I can't be going that fast. There are so many people. OK, my Garmin must be broken, nope Polar says the same thing. We pass these really huge houses that are on top of each other. Either have a lawn or don't. But don't have this piddly patch...
Turn onto Powers. Down the hill. Lalala! I'm counting, 7, 8, 9 ,10. I never seem to count 1-6. Lots of little kids. I must speed up or I'm going to hit the woman who is yelling at her 3yo that she is doing this for him, and he better start acting appreciative. Really, woman, he is 3. Up hill. Still a bottleneck. Still running on the outside of the cones and getting yelled at. Start thinking about A, who had told me that earlier this week she was thinking about D when he goes up hills. D speeds up on hills, so A was trying to emulate him. So guess what I did...I sped up on the hill. People were all bitching how hard the hill was. It was long, but it wasn't hard. I started thinking about cheating on a treadmill. You can't cheat on the real thing. So finally I got to the top and the volunteer yelled "1.50 miles." We turned at the top of some road. The water was at the 2 mile marker. I didn't need any. I looked at my watch. 25 minutes. OK, quick calculation. I only had to run 14 minutes mile to get to 39. I could do it. Picked up my pace. Another hill. Just plugged along.
Crossed Lower Roswell again. And a middle school. I kept running to street signs and then looking at my watch. Just run, dummy! Finally I saw the megachurch. I got to the parking lot, and my Garmin read 2.5 miles. Ugh! To run to the other side of the church was another half mile!!! OK, you can do this. My watch said 38. I finally got to the church, and the watch said 2.8 miles/36:30. Obviously I didn't read the watch right the first time. I came around the turn, and pushed. Then 3 people crossed the race in my path. Curses! I slowed down, but finally crossed (no coming to the puke threshold). Then, about 10 feet after I stopped running, someone scanned my chip. I went by Garmin.
Last week's PR of 40:26 stood for one week.
This week I got a new PR!
I was so proud of me. D and A were so proud of me.
D and I had a quick celebration at Fox Bros. I got a Fox Bros Burger and Fox-a-roni (Mac & Cheese, mixed with Brunswick Stew). Then we both went to work.
So A picked us up at 650 and off we went. We got to the main road, and commented how it looked like 3 other roads that were in different burbs. Moes-check, garage-check
Strip mall that is half empty-check.
We were one of the last cars into the one side of the church. Apparently it's ginormity isn't big enough, so they are expanding. Because of that, they changed the course. From the looks of it, it looked better, because it wasn't a loop-and a half around the church, but took you out on some roads. We got our stuff, and put everything in the car, and hung out in one of the many hallways in the church until the race started.
Now, a typical Atlanta race means there is not chip timing. This race did have chip timing for its 2000 participants. However, they didn't have a start mat, so basically, there is no point for the chip, imo. The race started. I guessed where the start was (my guess was a tree...D said it was a fire hydrant). Pretty close. And we're off. Down Johnson Ferry. So many people. And traffic cops kept yelling to stay in one lane.
HUGE BOTTLENECK. Walkers started out in the front, so it was hard to pass, but I did. I got yelled at by the traffic cop 4 times. Crossed Lower Roswell RD. I'm willing to bet this is not connected to Roswell RD (you can tell me, I'm not that pressed to googlemap it). Mile 1 was 12:15. Hold up!!!! 12 :15. WTF? I can't be going that fast. There are so many people. OK, my Garmin must be broken, nope Polar says the same thing. We pass these really huge houses that are on top of each other. Either have a lawn or don't. But don't have this piddly patch...
Turn onto Powers. Down the hill. Lalala! I'm counting, 7, 8, 9 ,10. I never seem to count 1-6. Lots of little kids. I must speed up or I'm going to hit the woman who is yelling at her 3yo that she is doing this for him, and he better start acting appreciative. Really, woman, he is 3. Up hill. Still a bottleneck. Still running on the outside of the cones and getting yelled at. Start thinking about A, who had told me that earlier this week she was thinking about D when he goes up hills. D speeds up on hills, so A was trying to emulate him. So guess what I did...I sped up on the hill. People were all bitching how hard the hill was. It was long, but it wasn't hard. I started thinking about cheating on a treadmill. You can't cheat on the real thing. So finally I got to the top and the volunteer yelled "1.50 miles." We turned at the top of some road. The water was at the 2 mile marker. I didn't need any. I looked at my watch. 25 minutes. OK, quick calculation. I only had to run 14 minutes mile to get to 39. I could do it. Picked up my pace. Another hill. Just plugged along.
Crossed Lower Roswell again. And a middle school. I kept running to street signs and then looking at my watch. Just run, dummy! Finally I saw the megachurch. I got to the parking lot, and my Garmin read 2.5 miles. Ugh! To run to the other side of the church was another half mile!!! OK, you can do this. My watch said 38. I finally got to the church, and the watch said 2.8 miles/36:30. Obviously I didn't read the watch right the first time. I came around the turn, and pushed. Then 3 people crossed the race in my path. Curses! I slowed down, but finally crossed (no coming to the puke threshold). Then, about 10 feet after I stopped running, someone scanned my chip. I went by Garmin.
Last week's PR of 40:26 stood for one week.
This week I got a new PR!
I was so proud of me. D and A were so proud of me.
D and I had a quick celebration at Fox Bros. I got a Fox Bros Burger and Fox-a-roni (Mac & Cheese, mixed with Brunswick Stew). Then we both went to work.
Tag! You're it!
Rockstar tagged me to post on 10 things that make me happy. Considering I'm such a pessimist, this will be fun to think optimistically for a change:
- D-I tried to tell him once why I love him. It didn't work out. Neither of us have ever figured out why we are happy together, but whatever. It works.
- My dogs. Thinking about Pandy drinking wine, picking up Merci and Morris from the white house that they broke into after playing in the sewer, Porter's love of hats, Guinness jumping on me in my wedding dress (she was in the wedding), and Scuttlebutt's craziness. They just are/were such good friends.
- Seeing the number 3 as the first digit of my time on a 5K (more coming in next blog).
- Being able to tell people I did a triathlon. If you look at me, you would never suspect an athlete. And no, I don't pretend to be one. But I work hard, and I can probably run circles around most people. It just takes me a little longer.
- My friends/family. My family is just proud of me. My friends tell me to get off my ass and go workout.
- Beer-make it a craft US beer (or a Guinness). Not BudMillerCoors (plus I don't like lagers). I love the taste of beer, and the complexity. I wanted to be a beer judge but I would have to like lagers, Belgiums, hefes, and all make me want to gag. But a Pale Ale, a Stout, a Porter, an, I'm thirsty.
- Gadgets...they don't even have to be electronic. I have a jar opener that just makes me giddy every time I have to use it.
- Pearl Jam
- New anything...I love putting on new clothes, shoes, getting new sheets, etc.
- Getting Christmas Cards/Birthday cards in the mail.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A New Year Results in a PR!!!
So the Run with the Dogs 5K that was postponed happened yesterday. A, D and I went. We all had some difficulty in dressing since it had been so cold the week before and yesterday at 8am it was 50 degrees.
Jacket or no jacket, shorts, short-sleeves? It was like none of us ever ran before. We all finally got situated, and off we went. We got to Decatur High and wondered if we missed it. Then we realized DHS had a new wing and that's where registration was. Still we were confused because we saw no cones. (A and I did this race last year). So we we picked up our numbers and our shirts and found out that it was a new course because CSX had some issue with us crossing the tracks. So the old course was no good. Back to the car to put the shirts away, and off to the Starbucks in the square (where the start was). .4 mile walk. Then as usual a lot of waiting. Well not as much as usual, because A and I are starting to leave a little later. Unlike last year, this year a lot of people were running with their dogs. We talked to one lady who had a cute lab.
Then a bunch of yada yada yada, and the race started.
Down Ponce. Most of the people with dogs passed me. Some dogs freaked but for the most part people had control of their dogs, and they picked up after them (dogs in races annoy me especially with retractable leashes, and owners that don't carry bags). So I was running along. We turned off Ponce and through some neighborhood and came back to Ponce at Avondale MARTA. A lot of houses were for rent, which was interesting...I didn't know people in that area rented houses. Anyway I passed the cone that said Mile 1, except Garmin said Mile .92. It jingled a little while later and mile 1 was 12:40. The second mile took us down where D and I looked at houses, but ultimately didn't buy. Mini hills and speed bumps.
At 1.55, I grabbed some water from the DHS athletes who were on the corner. They were funny. SOOOO quiet, always ending everything with Maam or Sir. Some were at other corners. I thanked them for being there, and they always said, "You're welcome, Maam" or "Thank you for supporting us, Maam." (Race supported DHS Athletics). Anyway, mile 2 actually dinged at the Mile 2 cone. 25:20.
Now into the last mile and there was this hill. It really wasn't bad, but looking at it, it just seemed to be like a bitch. And I was tired. And I didn't want to run anymore. Finally I was out of the neighborhood and back on Ponce. It was 2.25. I could totally feel myself slowing down. I didn't want to run anymore. Plus I was running on the sidewalk. I hate running on the sidewalk. Finally I got up hill and was back in the commercial district. I decided I didn't care if there was oncoming traffic, I was running in the street. Now it was 2.6. I told myself to pick up my feet for only .1. At 2.73 I told myself, to keep at it. I looked up and saw D and A. My watched dinged 3 miles, although the cone was about 20 feet infront of me. I didn't look at the time, but Garmin said that mile was 13:40-something. Obviously I slowed way down.
Me finishing...of course looking down!
Then we walked back to the HS, and got water and then went home. I knew I had PR'd but wasn't sure by how much. It turns out, the last race I got under 41 minutes was in April 2008. I beat that time by 26 seconds. Go me!
The HS gave me scarves for Guinness and Scuttlebutt. When I find the camera cord, I'll post some pics.
Today, D and I finished our first week of HM training with a 4 mile run. It went very slowly. SB and Guinness joined us on the track. Guinness is worn out. SB is still energetic and crazy as ever.
Jacket or no jacket, shorts, short-sleeves? It was like none of us ever ran before. We all finally got situated, and off we went. We got to Decatur High and wondered if we missed it. Then we realized DHS had a new wing and that's where registration was. Still we were confused because we saw no cones. (A and I did this race last year). So we we picked up our numbers and our shirts and found out that it was a new course because CSX had some issue with us crossing the tracks. So the old course was no good. Back to the car to put the shirts away, and off to the Starbucks in the square (where the start was). .4 mile walk. Then as usual a lot of waiting. Well not as much as usual, because A and I are starting to leave a little later. Unlike last year, this year a lot of people were running with their dogs. We talked to one lady who had a cute lab.
Then a bunch of yada yada yada, and the race started.
Down Ponce. Most of the people with dogs passed me. Some dogs freaked but for the most part people had control of their dogs, and they picked up after them (dogs in races annoy me especially with retractable leashes, and owners that don't carry bags). So I was running along. We turned off Ponce and through some neighborhood and came back to Ponce at Avondale MARTA. A lot of houses were for rent, which was interesting...I didn't know people in that area rented houses. Anyway I passed the cone that said Mile 1, except Garmin said Mile .92. It jingled a little while later and mile 1 was 12:40. The second mile took us down where D and I looked at houses, but ultimately didn't buy. Mini hills and speed bumps.
At 1.55, I grabbed some water from the DHS athletes who were on the corner. They were funny. SOOOO quiet, always ending everything with Maam or Sir. Some were at other corners. I thanked them for being there, and they always said, "You're welcome, Maam" or "Thank you for supporting us, Maam." (Race supported DHS Athletics). Anyway, mile 2 actually dinged at the Mile 2 cone. 25:20.
Now into the last mile and there was this hill. It really wasn't bad, but looking at it, it just seemed to be like a bitch. And I was tired. And I didn't want to run anymore. Finally I was out of the neighborhood and back on Ponce. It was 2.25. I could totally feel myself slowing down. I didn't want to run anymore. Plus I was running on the sidewalk. I hate running on the sidewalk. Finally I got up hill and was back in the commercial district. I decided I didn't care if there was oncoming traffic, I was running in the street. Now it was 2.6. I told myself to pick up my feet for only .1. At 2.73 I told myself, to keep at it. I looked up and saw D and A. My watched dinged 3 miles, although the cone was about 20 feet infront of me. I didn't look at the time, but Garmin said that mile was 13:40-something. Obviously I slowed way down.
D and A cheered me on, and I saw the last turn and went in. The clock said 40:10 so I gave it everything so I could get in under 41. I crossed at 40:25. I guess I had a bad judgement of distance. I turned of Garmin. It said 3.12 miles, so yay. I was on the threshold of pukage, but kept it down 3 times. D had to fill out my race card as I didn't want to bend down or lean over.
Then we walked back to the HS, and got water and then went home. I knew I had PR'd but wasn't sure by how much. It turns out, the last race I got under 41 minutes was in April 2008. I beat that time by 26 seconds. Go me!
The HS gave me scarves for Guinness and Scuttlebutt. When I find the camera cord, I'll post some pics.
Today, D and I finished our first week of HM training with a 4 mile run. It went very slowly. SB and Guinness joined us on the track. Guinness is worn out. SB is still energetic and crazy as ever.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Week and the Gym in Review
So this week I lost another 1.5 pounds. I'm pretty happy with that.
Especially since I had chili and Burger King, and a guacomole cheeseburger (it was a buffalo burger though). But I also put a beer back into the fridge when I had no points left.
I earned 26 Activity Points on WeWa, which I ate all of, plus the weekly allotment of the 35 extra points, plus 7 more. According to Sparkpeople, there really is no one type of food I ate heavily this week (based on fat, carbs, or protein) although I seemed to like sodium, and not like fiber.
And my new favorite drink is Blue Gatorade. I have no clue what flavor Blue is but it tastes good.
My legs are very sore. We have run 6 miles so far this week (1, 3, and 2) and walked 2.5 miles. I still have 10 more miles to run through Sunday. D and I are getting used to running after dinner, but neither of us likes it. We make up lots of excuses but eventually get ourselves to the gym.
And I finally realized why I look at my feet on the treadmill. Or notice so many people. Yesterday my options for TV reading (Closed Captioning) was something on Bravo about Launching a Clothing Line (like I care), Fox's American Idol (like I care), and MSNBC's Keith Oberman (I didn't think the gym would like me throwing a remote at the TV to break his ugly face (sorry his left streak makes my blood boil as much as Bill ORiley's right streak). So I looked at my feet while running. D watched a basketball game, but I couldn't see it because there was a beam in the way.
A guy got on to the mill next to mine. I'm not sure what he was doing, but he made me laugh. He went 3mph for a minute, then went 7mph for a minute, 3mph for a minute, then 9 mph (his trainer was calling out the mph). He nearly fell off. And he complained to his trainer his pants were falling down (he only had them pulled up to his butt to begin with, not over his butt). He really was only on the mill for 4 minutes but I enjoyed those 4 minutes. I couldn't tell you what he looked like except he had on TH boxers "under" his white Nike Basketball shorts (what I could see looking down).
The guy on the other side of me thought American Idol or the Launch the Clothes show was the most hilarious thing. I found it funny that someone could laugh that hard reading a TV show. He wasn't on long. Maybe 10 minutes of my run. Ashame, because he smelled very nice. He also had very tan legs, a woman's shaped butt (he has some meat on those cheeks), and WHITE (as in blinding) socks and shoes. I mean brand new socks aren't this white.
And then it was over. I finished my 2 miles. So happy...
Today I told work to sign me up for the Triangle Tri!
Especially since I had chili and Burger King, and a guacomole cheeseburger (it was a buffalo burger though). But I also put a beer back into the fridge when I had no points left.
I earned 26 Activity Points on WeWa, which I ate all of, plus the weekly allotment of the 35 extra points, plus 7 more. According to Sparkpeople, there really is no one type of food I ate heavily this week (based on fat, carbs, or protein) although I seemed to like sodium, and not like fiber.
And my new favorite drink is Blue Gatorade. I have no clue what flavor Blue is but it tastes good.
My legs are very sore. We have run 6 miles so far this week (1, 3, and 2) and walked 2.5 miles. I still have 10 more miles to run through Sunday. D and I are getting used to running after dinner, but neither of us likes it. We make up lots of excuses but eventually get ourselves to the gym.
And I finally realized why I look at my feet on the treadmill. Or notice so many people. Yesterday my options for TV reading (Closed Captioning) was something on Bravo about Launching a Clothing Line (like I care), Fox's American Idol (like I care), and MSNBC's Keith Oberman (I didn't think the gym would like me throwing a remote at the TV to break his ugly face (sorry his left streak makes my blood boil as much as Bill ORiley's right streak). So I looked at my feet while running. D watched a basketball game, but I couldn't see it because there was a beam in the way.
A guy got on to the mill next to mine. I'm not sure what he was doing, but he made me laugh. He went 3mph for a minute, then went 7mph for a minute, 3mph for a minute, then 9 mph (his trainer was calling out the mph). He nearly fell off. And he complained to his trainer his pants were falling down (he only had them pulled up to his butt to begin with, not over his butt). He really was only on the mill for 4 minutes but I enjoyed those 4 minutes. I couldn't tell you what he looked like except he had on TH boxers "under" his white Nike Basketball shorts (what I could see looking down).
The guy on the other side of me thought American Idol or the Launch the Clothes show was the most hilarious thing. I found it funny that someone could laugh that hard reading a TV show. He wasn't on long. Maybe 10 minutes of my run. Ashame, because he smelled very nice. He also had very tan legs, a woman's shaped butt (he has some meat on those cheeks), and WHITE (as in blinding) socks and shoes. I mean brand new socks aren't this white.
And then it was over. I finished my 2 miles. So happy...
Today I told work to sign me up for the Triangle Tri!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Gatorade was My Dessert
So I really didn't think I was going to run yesterday. I drove home from work, and I had about a 40 minute head start on D. We tied getting home. It was dark and cold and 6pm. We walked the pups and had to make the decision: eat then run, or run then eat. We ate first. I didn't care for what we had, but that's ok. While sitting there watching Bones, I decided I was still hungry and I wanted something with sugar.
Well the only thing with sugar in our house is Gatorade. And it is in the garage, by the car that I should use to drive to the gym. So upstairs, I went and changed. D changed. We put Scuttlebutt in his "place" and Gdog just wandered around. In the garage I grabbed 2 bottles of Gatorade, and opened one. It was so good. What kind of weirdo craves Gatorade?
We went to the gym and the big treadmills were all full. The little ones were not. So I did the 5K workout on a little one. Much easier than the big treadmills. There is only 1 hill and it is a 2%. The big ones have 2 2%, 1 3.5% and 2 2% hills. So needless to say I ran almost a flat 5K. I guess I have to change the level or something.
I finished my run and my cooldown and finished the first Gatorade. Dee-lish-us! D and I went to the car, and surprise, I'd forgotten about the 2nd one. Hooray.
Today my legs feel very sore. 2 miles tonight. Argh!
And I have to decide today if I'm going to do the Triangle Tri. My entry will be free because my work is a sponsor or sponsoring workers or something. We'd have to pay for D, but it is for charity so tax write-off.
And I still haven't decided about Pearl Jam and Ireland.
I bought D a Garmin 305 today. He wanted one at Christmas, but they were $200 and I had only paid $170 for mine, so I was being cheap. Amazon had them today for $167, so yay. Next is a new Polar F6 since I stole D's. He also announced today he wants it back. So I either have to find mine (hahahahaha) or get a new one. I have a gc to Amazon so I'll use it for that. (no I didn't use it for the Garmin, because I got the gc after I ordered it.)
Update: I know the Garmin has an HRM. I just find it highly inaccurate. As in it gives me 1000 calories for 30 minutes of stationary bike work, and 300 calories for a 6 mile run. So I choose not to use it. I just wear 2 watches, the Polar and the Garmin.
Well the only thing with sugar in our house is Gatorade. And it is in the garage, by the car that I should use to drive to the gym. So upstairs, I went and changed. D changed. We put Scuttlebutt in his "place" and Gdog just wandered around. In the garage I grabbed 2 bottles of Gatorade, and opened one. It was so good. What kind of weirdo craves Gatorade?
We went to the gym and the big treadmills were all full. The little ones were not. So I did the 5K workout on a little one. Much easier than the big treadmills. There is only 1 hill and it is a 2%. The big ones have 2 2%, 1 3.5% and 2 2% hills. So needless to say I ran almost a flat 5K. I guess I have to change the level or something.
I finished my run and my cooldown and finished the first Gatorade. Dee-lish-us! D and I went to the car, and surprise, I'd forgotten about the 2nd one. Hooray.
Today my legs feel very sore. 2 miles tonight. Argh!
And I have to decide today if I'm going to do the Triangle Tri. My entry will be free because my work is a sponsor or sponsoring workers or something. We'd have to pay for D, but it is for charity so tax write-off.
And I still haven't decided about Pearl Jam and Ireland.
I bought D a Garmin 305 today. He wanted one at Christmas, but they were $200 and I had only paid $170 for mine, so I was being cheap. Amazon had them today for $167, so yay. Next is a new Polar F6 since I stole D's. He also announced today he wants it back. So I either have to find mine (hahahahaha) or get a new one. I have a gc to Amazon so I'll use it for that. (no I didn't use it for the Garmin, because I got the gc after I ordered it.)
Update: I know the Garmin has an HRM. I just find it highly inaccurate. As in it gives me 1000 calories for 30 minutes of stationary bike work, and 300 calories for a 6 mile run. So I choose not to use it. I just wear 2 watches, the Polar and the Garmin.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I really liked the link feature today
So last week, I did my running and Thursday I stopped to rest for my 5K on Saturday. Well, the roads of Atlanta iced over by rain, water main breaks, etc. so on Friday while sitting at home (not at work...I don't drive in that shit), the race director called and said the 5K was postponed. Kind of funny considering it was called the Frostbite 5K, but if I don't drive in that crap, I certainly don't run in it (I do walk in it, because I love Guinness and Scuttlebutt soooo much).
So Saturday rolled around and D said, "Let's go to the gym." We had a million other things to do, so of course, I said, "OK." We went up to the gym...main road great, side roads iced! We ran a 5K on the treadmill, I walked a mile, and he told me he would make me chili for dinner (he was going to a hockey game...he drives in this shit). So I called the people we were going to see to tell them we weren't going to make it because of the ice (they thought I was weird, because north of us it was all clear), and D made chili and I took a nap. I woke up to watch GT beat Duke (yes!).
D got ready and left. I made the spaghetti for my chili and got a beer. I didn't open my Terrapin Brown but instead decided to track all my points in WeWa. At 50 points, I put the beer back, and watch SVU, and Top Gear and pouted I couldn't have a beer (damn Bacon Mac for lunch!).
It was an exciting Saturday for me. Sunday we went and saw our nieces. We were going to lift weights but I didn't want to. This activity is supposed to be Monday's activity but SB is getting obedience training, so we are moving the HM training around.
Monday rolled around, and SB's training got pushed back. So we went to the gym. Another mile run 11:52 this time. I thought I was going faster, although this is 8 seconds faster than last weeks mile. Another .5 miles walked and weights lifted.
So Week1 Day 1 of HM was completed.
In other news, I'm trying to convince myself to go to Ireland to see Pearl Jam. D is on board with whatever I decide. I just don't want to put the money on the CC and I don't have the funds available at this time, so that would be irresponsible. At the same time Pearl Jam in Ireland!!!!
So Saturday rolled around and D said, "Let's go to the gym." We had a million other things to do, so of course, I said, "OK." We went up to the gym...main road great, side roads iced! We ran a 5K on the treadmill, I walked a mile, and he told me he would make me chili for dinner (he was going to a hockey game...he drives in this shit). So I called the people we were going to see to tell them we weren't going to make it because of the ice (they thought I was weird, because north of us it was all clear), and D made chili and I took a nap. I woke up to watch GT beat Duke (yes!).
D got ready and left. I made the spaghetti for my chili and got a beer. I didn't open my Terrapin Brown but instead decided to track all my points in WeWa. At 50 points, I put the beer back, and watch SVU, and Top Gear and pouted I couldn't have a beer (damn Bacon Mac for lunch!).
It was an exciting Saturday for me. Sunday we went and saw our nieces. We were going to lift weights but I didn't want to. This activity is supposed to be Monday's activity but SB is getting obedience training, so we are moving the HM training around.
Monday rolled around, and SB's training got pushed back. So we went to the gym. Another mile run 11:52 this time. I thought I was going faster, although this is 8 seconds faster than last weeks mile. Another .5 miles walked and weights lifted.
So Week1 Day 1 of HM was completed.
In other news, I'm trying to convince myself to go to Ireland to see Pearl Jam. D is on board with whatever I decide. I just don't want to put the money on the CC and I don't have the funds available at this time, so that would be irresponsible. At the same time Pearl Jam in Ireland!!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I decided to be truthful
I gained a ton of weight (11 pounds) after Po's passing. Some of it alchol induced, some pizza induced (I recall a lot of pizza). So the new year, I started at exactly the weight I was when I started this journey (funny how I always go back to that weight). And not a lot of running.
So back to Sparkpeople, WeWa and meal planning. You can see I've been busy on the meals. D's mom bought me another CL cookbook (she knows I'm a fan, this isn't a mean MIL gift), so besides the recipes from the mags all last year, now we have them all compiled in a book, and are trying lots. This week, I was down 2.9. I'll take it.
I have not seen a lot of my other gift from D's mom, my Snuggie. We seem to be at the gym a lot! But the Snuggie rocks!
So back to Sparkpeople, WeWa and meal planning. You can see I've been busy on the meals. D's mom bought me another CL cookbook (she knows I'm a fan, this isn't a mean MIL gift), so besides the recipes from the mags all last year, now we have them all compiled in a book, and are trying lots. This week, I was down 2.9. I'll take it.
I have not seen a lot of my other gift from D's mom, my Snuggie. We seem to be at the gym a lot! But the Snuggie rocks!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
May Wonders Never Cease
It is Wednesday morning, and I have already run today. Wow!
Monday was weight lifting day. As a warm-up, I walked .21 miles, ran 1 mile, and walked .29 miles. I ran my mile in under 12 minutes. That is the fastest this year!!! 11:59 to be exact. Woohoo! Weight lifting was there. I'm not really into it, and being that the gym was full of noobs that won't be there come February, it was a bit annoying, but eh. I don't really like weights, but D likes them, and I do like the spreadsheet I keep to see my improvement.
Yesterday I picked up Scuttlebutt from his nut-hacking. The nurse is telling me he is to be calm and no rough-housing. This, as he body-slams himself into the wall. And he had already had a sedative. LOL! I took him home and he immediately went to "place." He seemed calmer last night, but that may be the sedative he took at 6pm.
Anyway, I didn't run last night. I was hungry and by the time the food digested, it was time for the Orange Bowl which didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. So eh.
D had the day off today, which meant I couldn't hit snooze 5 million times, so on the first alarm, I got up, put on my gym stuff and went. I was surprised how empty the gym was at 615. Even emptier at 730. Anyway, I walked .3 miles and ran the 5K circuit. I found on the dreadmill it is easy to cheat, which is why I don't like it. I didn't run 2 level 2 hills, although I ran 2 level 2 and a level 3.5. I slowed way down on those though. I did the 5K at 43:35. Then I walked .7 miles to get my HR down.
I came home, D was still in bed. So I got ready for work and walked the pups. Which woke him up. They love to love on him. Jealous, I reluctantly left for work.
Monday was weight lifting day. As a warm-up, I walked .21 miles, ran 1 mile, and walked .29 miles. I ran my mile in under 12 minutes. That is the fastest this year!!! 11:59 to be exact. Woohoo! Weight lifting was there. I'm not really into it, and being that the gym was full of noobs that won't be there come February, it was a bit annoying, but eh. I don't really like weights, but D likes them, and I do like the spreadsheet I keep to see my improvement.
Yesterday I picked up Scuttlebutt from his nut-hacking. The nurse is telling me he is to be calm and no rough-housing. This, as he body-slams himself into the wall. And he had already had a sedative. LOL! I took him home and he immediately went to "place." He seemed calmer last night, but that may be the sedative he took at 6pm.
Anyway, I didn't run last night. I was hungry and by the time the food digested, it was time for the Orange Bowl which didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. So eh.
D had the day off today, which meant I couldn't hit snooze 5 million times, so on the first alarm, I got up, put on my gym stuff and went. I was surprised how empty the gym was at 615. Even emptier at 730. Anyway, I walked .3 miles and ran the 5K circuit. I found on the dreadmill it is easy to cheat, which is why I don't like it. I didn't run 2 level 2 hills, although I ran 2 level 2 and a level 3.5. I slowed way down on those though. I did the 5K at 43:35. Then I walked .7 miles to get my HR down.
I came home, D was still in bed. So I got ready for work and walked the pups. Which woke him up. They love to love on him. Jealous, I reluctantly left for work.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
23 degrees?????
So after doing nothing yesterday (oh wait, I worked on a Saturday), I decided to be productive today. D and I went to Einstein's for our breakfast date. That is one of my favorite times of the week. Then he went to work so I went to the grocery store. It was freezing. About 18 degrees.
And my head ached. No, still no hangovers for 2010. Yesterday I went to take Scuttlebutt for a walk. He thinks walks are the best thing ever, so he ran into Guinness, ran around her, jumped over her, nearly knocked me down, and body-slammed himself into the front door. I got him to sit down, and then bent down to get his leash off the floor (isn't that where you keep yours?). So, he got re-excited and jumped up. Now I don't know if he bit me or his teeth just landed into my forehead, but the loudest F-bomb was dropped. Let's just say the walk was not a very good one, especially since he didn't do his business.
Anyway it now looks like I have a zit, but it I flex my forehead, it kills. So a nice bruise is forming.
Ok, so back to this morning, I went to Kroghetto. I spent about 30 minutes in the vegetables and 10 minutes in the rest of the store. Came home and relaxed until SB decided to play with my hands and bit my arm. I decided to put him in his cage and take Guinness for a run. Never mind it was 23 degrees. We started. Mile 1 was bad. I really had trouble getting air in my lungs, because it was so cold, and the second half of Mile 1 was a hill. I remember last year when this run was very easy. Anyway we got to mile 2 and I walked for a minute. I would say Gdog walked too, but you know. I run so slowly, she was already walking. Anyway, the only part of me that was really cold were my shins. So I'm thinking I need longer socks. Or just to bare it for the 2 weeks of cold that Atlanta has. Really my hat, gloves, running pants, 1 LS shirt, and a pullover were fine. Just my shins were cold.
Nobody was outside on our run in the 'hood, so no colorful observations. Most people don't tend to sit on their porches or walk to the corner store in 23 degrees. Plus church was in session, so both churches I ran by had full lots.
We got home and I took SB for a cool down walk. He seemed to calm down a bit (once we got out of the door). Right now he is curled up sleeping on my feet.
Tomorrow is his nut hacking. I'm so excited. He is supposed to be a lot calmer once this occurs. We shall see.
And my head ached. No, still no hangovers for 2010. Yesterday I went to take Scuttlebutt for a walk. He thinks walks are the best thing ever, so he ran into Guinness, ran around her, jumped over her, nearly knocked me down, and body-slammed himself into the front door. I got him to sit down, and then bent down to get his leash off the floor (isn't that where you keep yours?). So, he got re-excited and jumped up. Now I don't know if he bit me or his teeth just landed into my forehead, but the loudest F-bomb was dropped. Let's just say the walk was not a very good one, especially since he didn't do his business.
Anyway it now looks like I have a zit, but it I flex my forehead, it kills. So a nice bruise is forming.
Ok, so back to this morning, I went to Kroghetto. I spent about 30 minutes in the vegetables and 10 minutes in the rest of the store. Came home and relaxed until SB decided to play with my hands and bit my arm. I decided to put him in his cage and take Guinness for a run. Never mind it was 23 degrees. We started. Mile 1 was bad. I really had trouble getting air in my lungs, because it was so cold, and the second half of Mile 1 was a hill. I remember last year when this run was very easy. Anyway we got to mile 2 and I walked for a minute. I would say Gdog walked too, but you know. I run so slowly, she was already walking. Anyway, the only part of me that was really cold were my shins. So I'm thinking I need longer socks. Or just to bare it for the 2 weeks of cold that Atlanta has. Really my hat, gloves, running pants, 1 LS shirt, and a pullover were fine. Just my shins were cold.
Nobody was outside on our run in the 'hood, so no colorful observations. Most people don't tend to sit on their porches or walk to the corner store in 23 degrees. Plus church was in session, so both churches I ran by had full lots.
We got home and I took SB for a cool down walk. He seemed to calm down a bit (once we got out of the door). Right now he is curled up sleeping on my feet.
Tomorrow is his nut hacking. I'm so excited. He is supposed to be a lot calmer once this occurs. We shall see.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I ran 2 today!
I hope you had a good New Year's. I did. D and I went to our neighbor's house and had a really nice time. And because we didn't want to be the fools of the party (I hope we weren't) we talked to people, rather than nervously slam beer. Of course we are the "Dog People" because that's all we talk about. Oh well.
This morning was odd. I woke up on New Year's Day not hung over. I can't remember the last time this happened. D and I ate breakfast and walked the pups. Sat around and I looked up my mileage. About 264 miles run. Not bad...but considering I'm 11 pounds heavier than I was than I was in 2009 (and it all came on in December), I went upstairs and got on my running gear.
Even though it was cold out, I decided to run in the hood so Guinness could come. D ran too. It was a slow run for me and Guin, partly due to her 2 minute bathroom break. But we got it done. 2 miles in less than 32 minutes (slow, I know). Guinness also tried to kill me when she ran across my legs to get someone's forgone sandwich. She got yanked, I didn't fall, and she didn't get the sandwich. And it was better than running on the dreadmill.
Then home and watched hockey. Nothing exciting. D keeps watching bowl games. I don't care about any of them, so I am playing on Facebook.
This morning was odd. I woke up on New Year's Day not hung over. I can't remember the last time this happened. D and I ate breakfast and walked the pups. Sat around and I looked up my mileage. About 264 miles run. Not bad...but considering I'm 11 pounds heavier than I was than I was in 2009 (and it all came on in December), I went upstairs and got on my running gear.
Even though it was cold out, I decided to run in the hood so Guinness could come. D ran too. It was a slow run for me and Guin, partly due to her 2 minute bathroom break. But we got it done. 2 miles in less than 32 minutes (slow, I know). Guinness also tried to kill me when she ran across my legs to get someone's forgone sandwich. She got yanked, I didn't fall, and she didn't get the sandwich. And it was better than running on the dreadmill.
Then home and watched hockey. Nothing exciting. D keeps watching bowl games. I don't care about any of them, so I am playing on Facebook.
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