So last week's training didn't quite happen, because of the Pumpkin above.
Tuesday night I was going to run 4 miles. I came home, and smelled a dog mess before I even got to the main floor. I didn't hear any feet dancing, so I knew D was walking the dogs. I walked down the hallway and sure enough, one side of the rug to the other. Back to the kitchen and I grabbed paper towels. I walked through the dining room, and didn't see the vomit on the ground. Down I went. It was all over my pants, and feet so I took off my pants and cleaned my feet and the vomit.
D came home to me standing in the middle of the living room in my underwear just staring around. Now, it is funny; then, not so much. So after cleaning myself and helping him clean the carpet, off to Bed, Bath and Beyond we went and bought a steam cleaner. The one we wanted had to be ordered so we still don't have it. By then the run was out the door. We walked the pups and Porter was sick from both ends. She also stopped eating and drank vast amounts of water.
Wednesday day I called the vet to make an appointment. After describing Porter's symptoms, they cancelled the appointment and said bring her in for observation. It also started thundering at 5pm so no bike ride. D got home before me and told me that Porter had been sick. We've had Porter since 2003, she'll be 8 this October, and NEVER has she pooped in the house. Again everywhere. Kind of gross, but we determined the mess of Tuesday, had mostly been Porter as well.
Thursday I took her in. The good news, she lost 6 pounds since April (she has been on a diet). The bad news, she didn't want to stay. They finally took her back, and I left and worked from home. About 5 hours later, they called. They think she had a virus from all the rain (tons of mushrooms in our 'hood). Also they did X-rays. The x-ray caught something else. The dog has no ball and socket joints. They are rubbed away. So of course I bought meds for that. Anyway I picked her up with a ton of meds. Every 2 hours that dog went. One of the meds was doggie immodium. D got home and we weighed going to the GA Tech game and coming home to "presents" or staying home and watching it on TV and walking the dog every 2 hours. Dog won.
Friday, I stayed home and worked again. Porter made it every 3 hours now. At 4 I texted D saying no more immodium. Somehow the text lost translation because while he was cooking her dinner (another part of the prescription...chicken and rice), he gave her one.
Saturday, D and I did our brick. It was a group ride at the course site. No drop. Poor truck guy must have been bored out of his mind. I was last. I listened to cars behind him honk and honk but he wasn't bothered. Anyway I walked up 2 hills instead of the 3. I know why the first time I rode I had to walk up the 3rd. Anyway the beginner group leader told me to pedal and shift more. So I took 10 minutes off my ride from last time. The run...well each mile was faster than the last. The first was 18+. I walked a lot. I can't compare with last time, because I ran the route backwards. The second mile was 17:17 and the third was 17:11. Things I did differently than last week on the run...I ran 3 miles as opposed to 2, my legs had a harder time recovering than last time, although I didn't feel I pedaled harder on the bike portion. I walked more this time. Eh. I finished.
We got home and Po left no presents. Actually she left nothing at all. D and I went and got dinner and then went to the bar to see Clay. Lots of beers later, a cab brought us home. We walked the dogs, and nothing. Sunday, nothing. By 4pm, I said, "Dog, you will go." And 30 minutes later she did.
I didn't do anything Sunday besides lots of dog walks, because well, I was hungover.
Anyway it is supposed to rain all week, so the lake will be cold. D is still saying he is going to change from his bathing suit to shorts for the tri. And he doesn't care who sees his junk. Since I haven't bought him anything I guess that's the truth...
Time: 72:46 (bike)
Mileage: 12.14 (10.01 MPH) -different from last week because I forgot to turn on the Garmin
Time: 52:36 (run)
Mileage: 3.0 (17:32 min/mile)
Calories: 1555
Max HR 179
Avg HR 157
In Zone 60:18
Mileage: 12.14 (10.01 MPH) -different from last week because I forgot to turn on the Garmin
Time: 52:36 (run)
Mileage: 3.0 (17:32 min/mile)
Calories: 1555
Max HR 179
Avg HR 157
In Zone 60:18
Let's hear cheers for changing work and workout schedules for DOGS. Yep, people think we're crazy and I'm thinking of building a cart for grandma to help her get around better. I mean, really. There's almost nothing we wouldn't do. If you don't have it already, Curaflex for the bones and joints, not a fix but it helps.
We had senior dogs that needed glucosamine. Really made them more comfy.
Best wishes for your sick doggy to be fully better soon.
We have two rescued dogs and brought them on a hike two weeks ago. It turned out to be really too much for the senior dog. He could barely walk by the time we got back to our car. He is REALLY old and on meds for cushings disease. People think we're nuts for spending $140 a month on dog meds. But we LOVE the old guy.
Glad your dog seems better!
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