Weight I have lost

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Ran, and I still have a Hip!

So I decided I was running today.

In preparation for it, I went shopping yesterday with B and M. I bought a belt, some shoes, some more shoes, mascara, blush, hair gunk and toe nail polish. Yes, I still need polish to cover up the black and blue toenails.

Shoe #1. The most comfortable shoe ever!

Shoe #2: Not that great looking, but so comfortable!

I got home and walked SB and Guinness, separately. G and I did a mini-jog home (about 10 feet).

This morning, D and I went to breakfast and then he went to work and I went to the grocery store. My leg hurt, but more like a pulled groin except on the outer hip and under the butt cheek (the technical term). I took my dreaded Aleve and played with Guinness. Finally I decided to go to the gym.

I walked to the treadmill. Oh how I missed you, TM! I got on, and walked, between 2.6 and 3.0 mph. Still some twinging but the same amount as before I started. Longer strides made the hip feel better. .5 miles later, 10 minutes had passed. I burned a whopping 50 calories.

OK, so I decided I would walk 90/run 30 seconds. I started at 3.1mph. I jacked it up to 4.3 mph when it came time to run, and then brought it back to 3.1 when the time came. This wasn't going to work. It took too long to get it to the right pace, so I was only running for about 10 seconds. I tried it again only with 1 minute running. That was better. On the 3rd running segment, I tried 2 minutes. I wanted to go longer. Let me push it. No don't push it. I walked even though I didn't want to. At .6 miles, I ran for 3 minutes. By the time I got to run again I was at .9 miles. So the last run was less than 1 minute.

I walked .5 miles after. My hip still felt the same amount of soreness. It still felt sore under the ass. I finished the walk, and then stretched. That took 5 minutes. Then I went to Aldi to finish the groceries.

So I iced when I got home, and since I iced is when the hip got sore (also did laundry, and hung up clothes, and ironed). So I will try again on Tuesday if the hip feels ok.


Kendra said...

You're smart to take it easy. I got carried away and ran Thursday morning AND yesterday morning, and now I am icing and using menthol on my hip just like my 93 year old grandma.

The butt check soreness sounds like piriformis - have you tried the foam roller for that?

Aka Alice said...

I have a pair of shoes very much like Shoe #1. I agree...one of my most comfortable shoes...

Bummer about the hip. Take it easy.

Unknown said...

i had soreness in that general area a few years ago and it was hamstring tendonitis and took FOREVER to heal.