Weight I have lost

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Totals

So January is over.
I lost 1.9 pounds over the month (although neither 1Jan nor 1Feb is a weigh-in day).
I kept my food journal every day. 

I started Half-Marathon training.  That wasn't spectacular.  I would have gotten a 62.5%.  I won't lie; I used the anniversary of Guinness's death as an excuse to go to bed/stay in bed instead of run. I did run 37.22 miles, however.

I tried 17 new recipes.  I drank a lot of beer.

I finally got the Gym Rat Badge on Foursquare!  4 times last year I got to 9 times in 30 days.  This time I got the 10th!
Foursquare Gym Rat Badge

Conclusion:  I'm happy with my progress.  I know areas I need to work on.  I know the areas I need to keep up. 

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

The Gym Rat badge was one I actively went after. I needed to offset the Bender badge on my profile...