D and I signed up for this race because it is in our neighborhood (almost), A always runs it, it fit into the Tri Plan, and we ran it 2 years ago. So we know the course.
This was the course where 2 years ago, the one legged runner passed me.
Anyway, we got up on Saturday, and went to A's. From there we walked down to the race. The registration was really crowded and not a lot of signs. Most people in our line weren't in the right one, so we got up to the front pretty quickly. And unlike 2 years ago, they had T-shirts that fit. So yay us.
Of course, Atlanta, so no chip timing. We lined up and that was a bit peculiar. They already had the finish line up, and it was about 500 feet ahead of the start line. So all the runners had about 500 feet to go from 2 lanes to 1 back to 2. They might have said stuff at the start...I couldn't hear. People in front of us started running, so we we're off. I started the Garmin when I got to the start line.
The first part of the run is like Incline 2 of a Treadmill. It isn't a horrible incline, but after .3 miles it gets old. Across the Interstate, and someone has already finished that block with no one near him. Here's a question...Do the people in the front of a race care if the people in the back of the race cheer them on? I always wondered if some elite runner cares that when he is done the race, some overweight slow chick (me) has just finished up her first mile.
So I turned off the main road, and down a hill, and up another one. Finally turned again and flat. Back to the main road, and Mile 1 was done. 13:31.
Mile 2 was starting and my least favorite part of the course. This stupid hill. The ladies in front of me, slowed down. One went on her own and got to the top and cheered one of the other up it, one talked the slowest one up. I actually recognized the slowest one as the chick I chased all the through the Run Like Hell 5K. Anyway, her friends cheering her on helped me get up the hill. And pass her. Once up that hill, the rest of mile 2 was relatively flat. I passed the pool, and got out to the bigger main road. Here you had to run on the side walk. So then I wondered if the people who were way faster than I ran on the street and they had reopened the street or if everyone ran on the sidewalk. D informed me later that everyone ran on the sidewalk.
At mile 2 they called my time as 26:40. My Garmin said 27:0x so, I went with that. From Mile 2 on the main road, another Incline 2 hill. This woman and I kept playing tag. She passed me on that road. We turned and ran along the backside of the zoo. Downhill. I passed her again. For good. I got to the last turn by the police station.
2 years ago, I got pooped right here. I drive this road all the time, and forget there are 2 hills. They aren't steep but they are hard to "kick it". I did my best. I had another woman in my sights. I was gaining on her, but really knew that I couldn't pass her. We got to the traffic light which was 2.83 miles. She started walking. Are you kidding me? I yelled at her to run. She looked at me like I was a nut. I was so ticked, but oh well. The rest of the race was down hill.
At mile 3, D was waiting for me.
I saw A and her daughter C. I ran across. 41:55. 2 years ago, I crossed at 45 something.
A got 34 something and D got 30 something.
After some breakfast, D and I went to the Park Festival and met up with A and C and A's husband J. We helped J empty his torpedo keg. Fun Festival.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Week9 Workout 1 is Done!
So I was looking at the schedule. It seems that week 12 of my training might not get totally completed. Reason is that I'm not sure of the swim. The outdoor pool will be closed due to Labor Day. The indoor pool is an option if they ever open the parking lot back up. I believe the indoor pool is on the most crime-ridden, cop-overlooked street in Atlanta. At any given time, you can drive down the street and watch drug deals go down, see kids holding guns, know what gangs people are in, etc. And this is if you are uninformed about this street. I tend not to go down it that often although it is a major thoroughfare through the city.
Anyway, the parking lot to the indoor pool closed around Memorial Day, and has been closed since. The sign says to park 3 blocks away. Yes, single (as in walking alone) female walking down in crime ridden area doesn't scream, "Rob me, rape me, kill me!" So I think the last week of swims will be forsaken.
But I digress... I'm only in week 9. So D and I met at the outdoor pool. It is now almost completely empty since school is back in session and it doesn't open until 4pm. They were vaccummimg one of the lanes, but had taken the rope that breaks the pool into 25m sections off, so D and I swam next to the lanes.
The first 200m were our warmup. It felt a bit hard, but got somewhat easier.
Then we did 400m. D was ahead of me the entire time. I was so sure I had found something I was better than he was, but I guess not. After 100m of trying to chase him, I decided to swim my own swim. After 400m, I came in under 12 minutes. That is good for me. So I was happy.
The next 400m were simulating open water. This meant swimming with your eyes closed, and looking out of the water every 5th stroke. I think I added an extra 50m to this section because I zig-zagged all over the place. Hit the rope (I was next to one of the lanes), swam way right at one point. By 300m I was exhausted, but kept at it. At 350m, I cheated a little and kicked off the wall. This is very hard to do (the eyes closed thing not kicking off a wall). For one, I hold my breath for the 5 strokes instead of breathe. I did it at the OWS as well. By 300m I was remembering to breathe. I know that, because I smelled BBQ and suddenly got hungry.
So D and I finished that and cooled down for 200m.
Overall it was rather relaxing.
We got home and walked the pups. Someone was grilling. D and I busted out laughing because we both sniffed the gas grill, and went, "Ah, chicken." We never determined what house was grilling. But I think we might eat a bit too much meat that we can determine the meat on the grill without seeing it.
Today's agenda is bike riding.
Anyway, the parking lot to the indoor pool closed around Memorial Day, and has been closed since. The sign says to park 3 blocks away. Yes, single (as in walking alone) female walking down in crime ridden area doesn't scream, "Rob me, rape me, kill me!" So I think the last week of swims will be forsaken.
But I digress... I'm only in week 9. So D and I met at the outdoor pool. It is now almost completely empty since school is back in session and it doesn't open until 4pm. They were vaccummimg one of the lanes, but had taken the rope that breaks the pool into 25m sections off, so D and I swam next to the lanes.
The first 200m were our warmup. It felt a bit hard, but got somewhat easier.
Then we did 400m. D was ahead of me the entire time. I was so sure I had found something I was better than he was, but I guess not. After 100m of trying to chase him, I decided to swim my own swim. After 400m, I came in under 12 minutes. That is good for me. So I was happy.
The next 400m were simulating open water. This meant swimming with your eyes closed, and looking out of the water every 5th stroke. I think I added an extra 50m to this section because I zig-zagged all over the place. Hit the rope (I was next to one of the lanes), swam way right at one point. By 300m I was exhausted, but kept at it. At 350m, I cheated a little and kicked off the wall. This is very hard to do (the eyes closed thing not kicking off a wall). For one, I hold my breath for the 5 strokes instead of breathe. I did it at the OWS as well. By 300m I was remembering to breathe. I know that, because I smelled BBQ and suddenly got hungry.
So D and I finished that and cooled down for 200m.
Overall it was rather relaxing.
We got home and walked the pups. Someone was grilling. D and I busted out laughing because we both sniffed the gas grill, and went, "Ah, chicken." We never determined what house was grilling. But I think we might eat a bit too much meat that we can determine the meat on the grill without seeing it.
Today's agenda is bike riding.
Time: 6:11 (swim)
Mileage: 200meter (3:05 min/100meters)
Calories: 52
Max HR 139
Avg HR 131
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 11:56 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (2:59 min/100meters)
Calories: 115
Max HR 153
Avg HR 142
In Zone: 1:21
Time: 13:00 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:15 min/100meters)
Calories: 107
Max HR 140
Avg HR 129
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 6:30 (swim)
Mileage: 200meter (3:15 min/100meters)
Calories: 48
Max HR 128
Avg HR 123
In Zone: 0:00
Mileage: 200meter (3:05 min/100meters)
Calories: 52
Max HR 139
Avg HR 131
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 11:56 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (2:59 min/100meters)
Calories: 115
Max HR 153
Avg HR 142
In Zone: 1:21
Time: 13:00 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:15 min/100meters)
Calories: 107
Max HR 140
Avg HR 129
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 6:30 (swim)
Mileage: 200meter (3:15 min/100meters)
Calories: 48
Max HR 128
Avg HR 123
In Zone: 0:00
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week 8 is in the books!
I missed one workout...Sunday's 60 minute bike, but I added an extra swim.
So Thursday, of course was a double workout day and of course I didn't get up. Porter woke up at 2 and felt the need to be loved until 4. So that's when I fell back asleep, and the alarm clock going off at 5 was not appreciated. So I skipped that run.
After work, D and I went swimming. We had no one telling us how to swim so that was nice. We did 200m, 400m, and 1000m. Like all my other swims, I really didn't like it. Afterwards we went and had a beer. I'm sure I was a sight, as I didn't have a hat, my hair was mohawked, and my clothes were all wet. D knows how to dry himself off, so he was dry, and he has no hair.
Friday, I got up at 5 and ran my 5K on the treadmill that I was supposed to run on Thursday. I was feeling lazy and ran it flat with no inclines. That was fine, because I knew I was running in the real world on Saturday.
Saturday I got up at 6 and put on my clothes for the open water swim. I drove 65 miles to Gainesville, GA, and went to that. Overall I found it very beneficial. I got kicked in the head, the wrist (stopped my HRM) and the leg. And an ass swam over me. I let him know he was an ass, and from then on he stayed away from me. I mean, c'mon. Swimming over someone in a clinic, not a real tri? Like you couldn't see the bubbles from my feet. So this clinic was off a private dock in a neighborhood. So I'm going about 15mph to get there and the hills are monstrous (nothing like my "hill" I can't get up). My car is having trouble getting up it.
When I got to the dock, that's all people were talking about...the hills. They were having a bike ride after the clinic, but me and my schedules...I had a run scheduled.
So back to the swim...we learned to spot, swim around a buoy (with that many people, I doggie paddled), and practiced swimming 400 m. My shorts felt fine. My shirt rode up. I tucked it in my shorts. The arms were fine, although it was weird to see blue from the arms of the shirt while swimming. It'll do for now is my final consensus. So after that...I found out you could meet for the bike at the clubhouse at the top of all these hills, so I decided that's where I would start my run. I got up there, and put on my shoes. Drank some Gatorade and water, and went on my way. It was pretty nice out. There were some hills. I managed 2 of them. I really didn't have much in me to do all of them. I ran 3.05 miles. My shorts although not pretty held up well. They didn't ride up and didn't fall down. I passed the bikers while I was running going in the opposite direction. They cheered me on and I gave them a thumb's up.
I finished, and realized I didn't bring a change of clothes, because I'm smart like that. And my shirt was still wet. So I drove 65 miles home, with the heat on, in Georgia, in August.
I came home and slept for 4 hours and had the worst headache. Dehydration. Who knew 32 oz of H2O before, 40 oz of Gatorade during and 64 oz of H2O after could produce such a headache? Well, not me. So while I was nursing my head, D came home from work, hobbling like an old man. He threw out his back.
So we didn't do much but watch TV on Saturday.
Sunday, no bike ride. So there is the one missing workout.
So Thursday, of course was a double workout day and of course I didn't get up. Porter woke up at 2 and felt the need to be loved until 4. So that's when I fell back asleep, and the alarm clock going off at 5 was not appreciated. So I skipped that run.
After work, D and I went swimming. We had no one telling us how to swim so that was nice. We did 200m, 400m, and 1000m. Like all my other swims, I really didn't like it. Afterwards we went and had a beer. I'm sure I was a sight, as I didn't have a hat, my hair was mohawked, and my clothes were all wet. D knows how to dry himself off, so he was dry, and he has no hair.
Friday, I got up at 5 and ran my 5K on the treadmill that I was supposed to run on Thursday. I was feeling lazy and ran it flat with no inclines. That was fine, because I knew I was running in the real world on Saturday.
Saturday I got up at 6 and put on my clothes for the open water swim. I drove 65 miles to Gainesville, GA, and went to that. Overall I found it very beneficial. I got kicked in the head, the wrist (stopped my HRM) and the leg. And an ass swam over me. I let him know he was an ass, and from then on he stayed away from me. I mean, c'mon. Swimming over someone in a clinic, not a real tri? Like you couldn't see the bubbles from my feet. So this clinic was off a private dock in a neighborhood. So I'm going about 15mph to get there and the hills are monstrous (nothing like my "hill" I can't get up). My car is having trouble getting up it.
When I got to the dock, that's all people were talking about...the hills. They were having a bike ride after the clinic, but me and my schedules...I had a run scheduled.
So back to the swim...we learned to spot, swim around a buoy (with that many people, I doggie paddled), and practiced swimming 400 m. My shorts felt fine. My shirt rode up. I tucked it in my shorts. The arms were fine, although it was weird to see blue from the arms of the shirt while swimming. It'll do for now is my final consensus. So after that...I found out you could meet for the bike at the clubhouse at the top of all these hills, so I decided that's where I would start my run. I got up there, and put on my shoes. Drank some Gatorade and water, and went on my way. It was pretty nice out. There were some hills. I managed 2 of them. I really didn't have much in me to do all of them. I ran 3.05 miles. My shorts although not pretty held up well. They didn't ride up and didn't fall down. I passed the bikers while I was running going in the opposite direction. They cheered me on and I gave them a thumb's up.
I finished, and realized I didn't bring a change of clothes, because I'm smart like that. And my shirt was still wet. So I drove 65 miles home, with the heat on, in Georgia, in August.
I came home and slept for 4 hours and had the worst headache. Dehydration. Who knew 32 oz of H2O before, 40 oz of Gatorade during and 64 oz of H2O after could produce such a headache? Well, not me. So while I was nursing my head, D came home from work, hobbling like an old man. He threw out his back.
So we didn't do much but watch TV on Saturday.
Sunday, no bike ride. So there is the one missing workout.
Time: 6:14 (swim)
Mileage: 200meter (3:07 min/100meters)
Calories: 52
Max HR 145
Avg HR 132
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 12:03 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:00 min/100meters)
Calories: 117
Max HR 158
Avg HR 142
In Zone: 2:42
Time: 32:52 (swim)
Mileage: 1000meter (3:17 min/100meters)
Calories: 287
Max HR 149
Avg HR 134
In Zone: 0:20
Time: 9:16 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23:10 min/mile)
Time: 41:36 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:22 min/mile)
Time: 11:53 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (19:48 min/mile)
Calories: 742
Max HR 185
Avg HR 171
In Zone: 5:38
Swim not recorded due to being kicked in the wrist
Time: 45:40 (run)
Mileage: 3.05 (14:58 min/mile)
Calories: 6292
Max HR 179
Avg HR 166
In Zone: 13:41
Mileage: 200meter (3:07 min/100meters)
Calories: 52
Max HR 145
Avg HR 132
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 12:03 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:00 min/100meters)
Calories: 117
Max HR 158
Avg HR 142
In Zone: 2:42
Time: 32:52 (swim)
Mileage: 1000meter (3:17 min/100meters)
Calories: 287
Max HR 149
Avg HR 134
In Zone: 0:20
Time: 9:16 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23:10 min/mile)
Time: 41:36 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:22 min/mile)
Time: 11:53 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (19:48 min/mile)
Calories: 742
Max HR 185
Avg HR 171
In Zone: 5:38
Swim not recorded due to being kicked in the wrist
Time: 45:40 (run)
Mileage: 3.05 (14:58 min/mile)
Calories: 6292
Max HR 179
Avg HR 166
In Zone: 13:41
Thursday, August 20, 2009
TRI shorts...
OK, so yesterday was a 45 minute bike ride. I decided to test out my new Skirt Sports Tri Shorts.

Compared to my Shebeest Bike Short the pad is non-existent. I equated it to a panty liner in terms of thickness. So I was quite worried about the effects on a bike seat. Just to be safe, I brought the Sheebest pair to put over them just in case.
First thing...the Shebeest are a board short, so I had the outer part over the Tri short, so people at work wouldn't be offended of me walking around in spandex. (actually it just makes me feel more comfortable). So walking from work to the car, the board shorts were riding all the way up. They will not be worn at the Triathlon.
2nd thing...the Skirt Sports Tri Short run on the big side. Also there is no draw string. So I definitely have to run and swim in these things prior to make sure they stay up.
So I get to the park, and start riding. My legs feel like lead, but my crotch/butt feel fine. Ride, ride, ride. Since school is back in session, the HS CC team is now on the path running all the way across it abreast. They do, however, know "on your left" and none have ipods on, so this didn't have any implications. I rode the first 5 miles without much thought.
The next mile is the first of 2 hills. I can get up this one in my 2-4 gear, so it doesn't cause me much thought anymore, although it is where my HR measures the highest. I crossed the street, and went down the other hill and rode for a little more. Since I was only riding for 45 minutes, I didn't go all the way to my usual turnaround.
On the way back, I had the hill that I did manage to get up last time, but the other 3 times I've tried it, my chain locks up when switching gears. So I have to switch it to 1-3 pretty early and all I'm doing is spinning until I get to that part of the incline. I managed the hill again, but same spinning. D thinks I can get up it in 2-4, and most of it I could. Just the middle part changes to a steeper elevation. It is probably a mind over matter thing.
Anyway, I got up the hill and back to the car.
So, I think I can ride in the shorts for 15 miles. I will do a open water swim and a run on Saturday with them, to make sure they stay up, don't ride up, etc. And test out my Tri Shirt...yes I got one with sleeves.

But I am happy to have found a short that is made for a 5 ft-8in woman who is way heavier than a Clydesdale (and an Athena). My problem with the fit, is that for the waist I was XXL but the hips I was XL. I went with the XXL. Even if I have to buy a smaller size (hooray), I can still use these for tri-bike training. Oh god, I'm already thinking of another.

Compared to my Shebeest Bike Short the pad is non-existent. I equated it to a panty liner in terms of thickness. So I was quite worried about the effects on a bike seat. Just to be safe, I brought the Sheebest pair to put over them just in case.
First thing...the Shebeest are a board short, so I had the outer part over the Tri short, so people at work wouldn't be offended of me walking around in spandex. (actually it just makes me feel more comfortable). So walking from work to the car, the board shorts were riding all the way up. They will not be worn at the Triathlon.
2nd thing...the Skirt Sports Tri Short run on the big side. Also there is no draw string. So I definitely have to run and swim in these things prior to make sure they stay up.
So I get to the park, and start riding. My legs feel like lead, but my crotch/butt feel fine. Ride, ride, ride. Since school is back in session, the HS CC team is now on the path running all the way across it abreast. They do, however, know "on your left" and none have ipods on, so this didn't have any implications. I rode the first 5 miles without much thought.
The next mile is the first of 2 hills. I can get up this one in my 2-4 gear, so it doesn't cause me much thought anymore, although it is where my HR measures the highest. I crossed the street, and went down the other hill and rode for a little more. Since I was only riding for 45 minutes, I didn't go all the way to my usual turnaround.
On the way back, I had the hill that I did manage to get up last time, but the other 3 times I've tried it, my chain locks up when switching gears. So I have to switch it to 1-3 pretty early and all I'm doing is spinning until I get to that part of the incline. I managed the hill again, but same spinning. D thinks I can get up it in 2-4, and most of it I could. Just the middle part changes to a steeper elevation. It is probably a mind over matter thing.
Anyway, I got up the hill and back to the car.
So, I think I can ride in the shorts for 15 miles. I will do a open water swim and a run on Saturday with them, to make sure they stay up, don't ride up, etc. And test out my Tri Shirt...yes I got one with sleeves.

But I am happy to have found a short that is made for a 5 ft-8in woman who is way heavier than a Clydesdale (and an Athena). My problem with the fit, is that for the waist I was XXL but the hips I was XL. I went with the XXL. Even if I have to buy a smaller size (hooray), I can still use these for tri-bike training. Oh god, I'm already thinking of another.
Time: 46:46 (bike)
Mileage: 8.29 (10.64 MPH)
Calories: 453
Max HR 168
Avg HR 141
In Zone 10:30
Mileage: 8.29 (10.64 MPH)
Calories: 453
Max HR 168
Avg HR 141
In Zone 10:30
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Week 8 has started!
For some reason, D and I started Week 8 yesterday although it is supposed to start today. So today is a rest day, thank god!
Yesterday we went to the pool. It was supposed to be a 20 minute swim. We got there, and it looked like 1 lane was opened, and the other was being cleaned. I asked the cashier/enforcement officer, he said both lanes were open.
We went in and did the whole shower thing. Got in the pool. The manager (who I called a bitch last week) was swimming laps in the non-cleaning lane. She said to just swim around the vacuum...the cleaner was gone. No biggie. I just swam down the left side, with D behind me, since we were the only ones in the lane. Well, that caused some guy in the other lane to want to swim with us. So now we had to do the circular thing and swim over/under all the hoses. At 200m, D informed me the vacuum was now on the sidewalk because he put it there. OK.
Continued my swim. Guy at 400m informed I swam all wrong and corrected me. I was sort of grateful. Glad he told me I was lifting my head out of the water, because I didn't know I was, but watching him, knew he wasn't the world's best swimmer. And the fact that I passed him twice, was odd too (I'm not fast at all). Thought I swam another 400m, but looking at the time, it had to be 500m. I waited for D. I don't like watching him swim, I've concluded, because I don't want to be "that guy" telling him how he could be doing it better. Anyway, I kept my mouth shut, but that guy did tell D he was an awful swimmer and that he was going to be last in the swim portion of the Triathlon. Very nice. D is the most relaxed person though, and was just like, ok, whatever.
So we went home, and D made dinner, and I for the 3rd time in 2 weeks worked on fixing our wireless connection. I have it working on one laptop, but cannot get the signal on the other. Really, I'm getting tired of the Earthlink, as every time they upgrade, I have to reset the signal.
Yesterday we went to the pool. It was supposed to be a 20 minute swim. We got there, and it looked like 1 lane was opened, and the other was being cleaned. I asked the cashier/enforcement officer, he said both lanes were open.
We went in and did the whole shower thing. Got in the pool. The manager (who I called a bitch last week) was swimming laps in the non-cleaning lane. She said to just swim around the vacuum...the cleaner was gone. No biggie. I just swam down the left side, with D behind me, since we were the only ones in the lane. Well, that caused some guy in the other lane to want to swim with us. So now we had to do the circular thing and swim over/under all the hoses. At 200m, D informed me the vacuum was now on the sidewalk because he put it there. OK.
Continued my swim. Guy at 400m informed I swam all wrong and corrected me. I was sort of grateful. Glad he told me I was lifting my head out of the water, because I didn't know I was, but watching him, knew he wasn't the world's best swimmer. And the fact that I passed him twice, was odd too (I'm not fast at all). Thought I swam another 400m, but looking at the time, it had to be 500m. I waited for D. I don't like watching him swim, I've concluded, because I don't want to be "that guy" telling him how he could be doing it better. Anyway, I kept my mouth shut, but that guy did tell D he was an awful swimmer and that he was going to be last in the swim portion of the Triathlon. Very nice. D is the most relaxed person though, and was just like, ok, whatever.
So we went home, and D made dinner, and I for the 3rd time in 2 weeks worked on fixing our wireless connection. I have it working on one laptop, but cannot get the signal on the other. Really, I'm getting tired of the Earthlink, as every time they upgrade, I have to reset the signal.
Time: 6:49 (swim)
Mileage: 200meter (3:24 min/100meters)
Calories: 53
Max HR 141
Avg HR 127
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 28:54 (swim)
Mileage: 900meter (3:12 min/100meters)
Calories: 264
Max HR 152
Avg HR 137
In Zone: 1:06
Mileage: 200meter (3:24 min/100meters)
Calories: 53
Max HR 141
Avg HR 127
In Zone: 0:00
Time: 28:54 (swim)
Mileage: 900meter (3:12 min/100meters)
Calories: 264
Max HR 152
Avg HR 137
In Zone: 1:06
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Week 7 DONE!!!
I missed 2 workouts, 1 swim and 1 bike.
I'm counting the 12 minute swim before I was kicked out of the pool.
This week seemed to be the "Why did you breed" week...moreso than usual. Kids were more out of control and bugging the shit out of me.
It started better enough...Wednesday was my first workout. Gym at 5am to run 5K. It was hell and I figured out the 5K circuit involved mile 2 up a hill the entire time. Finished, got ready for work and went. Later D and I went on a bike ride. It seemed we passed a lot of parents who have no clue that bikers ride on the Bike Path and are amazed that people ride it at over 20mph (not me, mind you). So we watched as kids wandered, parents were stupid, and bikers almost crashed.
Thursday, was where it all fell apart. I didn't get up in the morning, so no run. I went to the pool after work. Swam my 200m warmup and then started on my 40 minute swim. 12 minutes in, whistles. There were 5 of us in the swim lanes, and 1 lady and her shitter in the main area, and a ton of kids in the 0-4ft pool. So we all got out of the main pool, because the mother who was oh so important didn't use a explosive proof diaper and her kid shit all in the pool (the pool sells the diapers for $2 and the shitter is under 5 so he can go into the pool for free). Since I had been in the pool, I didn't get to get my money back or a voucher to the indoor pool. I really hate people. I was livid when I came home, and drank a beer.
Friday, I got up and ran 4 miles. Somehow I managed in 20 minutes, to get the dog to bite me, drop my bike out of my car onto the ground, twist my wrist, throw the bike pump across the driveway, let a string of expletives out, scare the shit out of my neighbor and yell at D. So about 10 miles into my drive to work, I burst into tears, pulled off, called my boss, and said I wasn't coming in. I decided to go to Einsteins in Midtown, because I figured it wouldn't have kids (predominantly gay area). So I walked in and I was right. I am waiting in line and a little shit comes in with his mom and touches me. I tell her I will call the police if he gropes me again, and to get the fuck away from me. The cashier busts out laughing, and the woman is truly offended. I came home and took a 4 hour nap, as obviously I was not meant to be in the world Friday.
Anyway, D and I had a few beers Friday night, and I got mad because he was quoting movie lines before they were on the TV, so I got up and went upstairs and went to bed. I woke up at 6.
I went to the gym and ran 6 miles. I felt better. I went and got my haircut. Then I went to Whole Foods. I saw the dumbest thing ever...carts for little kids. I controlled my ire, but was utterly annoyed. The only good thing is that they have orange flags on them so I could stay clear of them before some 2ft person hits me in the shins with a cart.
D and I went on a date to get pizza, and then spent most of the day doing nothing. Saturday night we watched TV.
Sunday, we went bike riding on another bike path. 22 mile bike ride. It was much easier than the first 20 miler I did. I only had 1 mile that was really off (mile 16 was over 7 minutes long). Around mile 18, we almost had an accident. I watched 3 kids cause bikers brake ahead of me, and their father yelled at them. As I was coming up, they ran 3 abreast and right as I was going to call "On your left," a biker behind me yelled, "CMON GUYS, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I also heard him say WTF! Lots of brakes but no accident, and the guy pretty much pushed his kids into the ditch as bikers were coming from both directions. It further added to my "why breed" week. We finished up our ride, and went and got bagels and went to the grocery.
We discussed going to the pool (if it was opened), but toddlers are like cats. They find the person who hates them the most and hang out by them. And I don't think I could handle that.
Hopefully, I'll get through my "kids bug the shit out of me" phase this week.
I'm counting the 12 minute swim before I was kicked out of the pool.
This week seemed to be the "Why did you breed" week...moreso than usual. Kids were more out of control and bugging the shit out of me.
It started better enough...Wednesday was my first workout. Gym at 5am to run 5K. It was hell and I figured out the 5K circuit involved mile 2 up a hill the entire time. Finished, got ready for work and went. Later D and I went on a bike ride. It seemed we passed a lot of parents who have no clue that bikers ride on the Bike Path and are amazed that people ride it at over 20mph (not me, mind you). So we watched as kids wandered, parents were stupid, and bikers almost crashed.
Thursday, was where it all fell apart. I didn't get up in the morning, so no run. I went to the pool after work. Swam my 200m warmup and then started on my 40 minute swim. 12 minutes in, whistles. There were 5 of us in the swim lanes, and 1 lady and her shitter in the main area, and a ton of kids in the 0-4ft pool. So we all got out of the main pool, because the mother who was oh so important didn't use a explosive proof diaper and her kid shit all in the pool (the pool sells the diapers for $2 and the shitter is under 5 so he can go into the pool for free). Since I had been in the pool, I didn't get to get my money back or a voucher to the indoor pool. I really hate people. I was livid when I came home, and drank a beer.
Friday, I got up and ran 4 miles. Somehow I managed in 20 minutes, to get the dog to bite me, drop my bike out of my car onto the ground, twist my wrist, throw the bike pump across the driveway, let a string of expletives out, scare the shit out of my neighbor and yell at D. So about 10 miles into my drive to work, I burst into tears, pulled off, called my boss, and said I wasn't coming in. I decided to go to Einsteins in Midtown, because I figured it wouldn't have kids (predominantly gay area). So I walked in and I was right. I am waiting in line and a little shit comes in with his mom and touches me. I tell her I will call the police if he gropes me again, and to get the fuck away from me. The cashier busts out laughing, and the woman is truly offended. I came home and took a 4 hour nap, as obviously I was not meant to be in the world Friday.
Anyway, D and I had a few beers Friday night, and I got mad because he was quoting movie lines before they were on the TV, so I got up and went upstairs and went to bed. I woke up at 6.
I went to the gym and ran 6 miles. I felt better. I went and got my haircut. Then I went to Whole Foods. I saw the dumbest thing ever...carts for little kids. I controlled my ire, but was utterly annoyed. The only good thing is that they have orange flags on them so I could stay clear of them before some 2ft person hits me in the shins with a cart.
D and I went on a date to get pizza, and then spent most of the day doing nothing. Saturday night we watched TV.
Sunday, we went bike riding on another bike path. 22 mile bike ride. It was much easier than the first 20 miler I did. I only had 1 mile that was really off (mile 16 was over 7 minutes long). Around mile 18, we almost had an accident. I watched 3 kids cause bikers brake ahead of me, and their father yelled at them. As I was coming up, they ran 3 abreast and right as I was going to call "On your left," a biker behind me yelled, "CMON GUYS, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I also heard him say WTF! Lots of brakes but no accident, and the guy pretty much pushed his kids into the ditch as bikers were coming from both directions. It further added to my "why breed" week. We finished up our ride, and went and got bagels and went to the grocery.
We discussed going to the pool (if it was opened), but toddlers are like cats. They find the person who hates them the most and hang out by them. And I don't think I could handle that.
Hopefully, I'll get through my "kids bug the shit out of me" phase this week.
Time: 8:34 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (21:25 min/mile)
Time: 43:28 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:58 min/mile)
Time: 14:52 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (24:46 min/mile)
Calories: 826
Max HR 188
Avg HR 175
In Zone: 7:22
Time: 63:58 (bike)
Mileage: 11.26 (10.56 MPH)
Calories: 662
Max HR 172
Avg HR 147
In Zone 28:24
Time: 12:58 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:14 min/100meters)
Calories: 132
Max HR 159
Avg HR 146
In Zone: 3:17
Time: 8:30 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (21:15 min/mile)
Time: 55:37 (run)
Mileage: 4 (13:54 min/mile)
Time: 12:34 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (24:35 min/mile)
Calories: 981
Max HR 191
Avg HR 177
In Zone: 7:08
Time: 9:50 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (24:35 min/mile)
Time: 87:54 (run)
Mileage: 6 (14:39 min/mile)
Time: 13:44 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (22:53 min/mile)
Calories: 1403
Max HR 184
Avg HR 172
In Zone: 10:36
Time: 125:39 (bike)
Mileage: 22.12 (10.56 MPH)
Calories: 1087
Max HR 158
Avg HR 132
In Zone 14:22
Mileage: .4 (21:25 min/mile)
Time: 43:28 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:58 min/mile)
Time: 14:52 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (24:46 min/mile)
Calories: 826
Max HR 188
Avg HR 175
In Zone: 7:22
Time: 63:58 (bike)
Mileage: 11.26 (10.56 MPH)
Calories: 662
Max HR 172
Avg HR 147
In Zone 28:24
Time: 12:58 (swim)
Mileage: 400meter (3:14 min/100meters)
Calories: 132
Max HR 159
Avg HR 146
In Zone: 3:17
Time: 8:30 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (21:15 min/mile)
Time: 55:37 (run)
Mileage: 4 (13:54 min/mile)
Time: 12:34 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (24:35 min/mile)
Calories: 981
Max HR 191
Avg HR 177
In Zone: 7:08
Time: 9:50 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (24:35 min/mile)
Time: 87:54 (run)
Mileage: 6 (14:39 min/mile)
Time: 13:44 (walk)
Mileage: .6 (22:53 min/mile)
Calories: 1403
Max HR 184
Avg HR 172
In Zone: 10:36
Time: 125:39 (bike)
Mileage: 22.12 (10.56 MPH)
Calories: 1087
Max HR 158
Avg HR 132
In Zone 14:22
Monday, August 10, 2009
Weekend in the Jerz!
So week 7 of training came to a close with 2 workouts. No, not missed, but workouts done.
Work, dammit, got in the way.
Friday came, and D and I went to Newark to drive to the Jersey Shore for a wedding. To be honest, I was not thinking this was going to be great, because who selects New Jersey for a destination wedding? But, I was wrong, it was gorgeous and the weather was great.
Due to the lovely 2 people working at Avis on a Friday afternoon, it only took 1 hour to get my car which I had a reservation for. Seriously, when someone (worker) calls a manager to get out and help and they don't, it gives great confidence. Because of the long wait, I was tired and forgot to look at the car before I got in it and missed the lovely dent on the back, that they said I put in upon the return. Ugh! I don't think I have to pay though, as I asked where the paint from something hitting it was, and signed something saying I was not in any accident.
OK, so we started on the Jersey Turnpike right as rushhour began so it took 2 hours to go 50 miles. D and I did manage to get showered and dressed in time to go to the Beach BBQ. We saw Bride and Groom (A and E) and had a great time (read...got way drunk).
Saturday, I got up and put on my running clothes, went and paid the hotel way too much for some Advil, and went to find breakfast. After 40 minutes at the worst-serviced restaurant, we got our food. I kid you not, in 40 minutes, 3 meals came out. How long does it take to make over easy eggs? Then we walked around, and then went on a walk to find toothpaste (taken by TSA on the way to NJ, not taken on by TSA on the way to ATL). We found it at a convenience store, but had no cash and they didn't take Visa, so we continued our walk. After 1.5 miles we found some. So after everything was said and done, we walked 2.6 miles and burned 500 calories. Did we walk on the boardwalk, or along the beach...no, D and I walked on the road. I'm not quite sure why, but that's the way we roll.
A nap later we went to the tiki bar and had a beer, and chatted with friends. Then we got ready for the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful. It was about 75 degrees overlooking the beach/ocean, the judge was personable, A was gorgeous, and in all the years I've known E, I've never seen him smile so much.
Me and C
So cocktail hour was over, so off to the reception. Food rocked. Booze flowed, dancing ensued. A lot of fun. The reception I think was 4 or 5 hours, so I danced and drank. My feet are blistered and if I ever see the snake skin heels I had, it will be too soon. Cute shoes, but painful.
Off to the tiki bar for more drinks, and then to bed. Sunday was a boring trip back home. Then we picked up the pups. Short scare there. I stopped short, and Porter was standing in the back seat. Somehow she landed in the wheel well belly side up, with 3 legs up and one leg not. The squeals coming from her caused me to hit the brakes and stop in the middle of the road. Luckily, there was no one behind me. I managed to pull over to the side of the road, while D freed her pinned leg. Then he got her out of the car and she was fine. The squeals still haunt me though. Guinness of course was oblivious and was ticked I wouldn't roll down a window.
Nothing much else. Week 8 starts this week
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Work, dammit, got in the way.
Friday came, and D and I went to Newark to drive to the Jersey Shore for a wedding. To be honest, I was not thinking this was going to be great, because who selects New Jersey for a destination wedding? But, I was wrong, it was gorgeous and the weather was great.
Due to the lovely 2 people working at Avis on a Friday afternoon, it only took 1 hour to get my car which I had a reservation for. Seriously, when someone (worker) calls a manager to get out and help and they don't, it gives great confidence. Because of the long wait, I was tired and forgot to look at the car before I got in it and missed the lovely dent on the back, that they said I put in upon the return. Ugh! I don't think I have to pay though, as I asked where the paint from something hitting it was, and signed something saying I was not in any accident.
OK, so we started on the Jersey Turnpike right as rushhour began so it took 2 hours to go 50 miles. D and I did manage to get showered and dressed in time to go to the Beach BBQ. We saw Bride and Groom (A and E) and had a great time (read...got way drunk).
Saturday, I got up and put on my running clothes, went and paid the hotel way too much for some Advil, and went to find breakfast. After 40 minutes at the worst-serviced restaurant, we got our food. I kid you not, in 40 minutes, 3 meals came out. How long does it take to make over easy eggs? Then we walked around, and then went on a walk to find toothpaste (taken by TSA on the way to NJ, not taken on by TSA on the way to ATL). We found it at a convenience store, but had no cash and they didn't take Visa, so we continued our walk. After 1.5 miles we found some. So after everything was said and done, we walked 2.6 miles and burned 500 calories. Did we walk on the boardwalk, or along the beach...no, D and I walked on the road. I'm not quite sure why, but that's the way we roll.
A nap later we went to the tiki bar and had a beer, and chatted with friends. Then we got ready for the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful. It was about 75 degrees overlooking the beach/ocean, the judge was personable, A was gorgeous, and in all the years I've known E, I've never seen him smile so much.
Cocktail hour was fun. I spent a lot of time talking to my first roommate out of college, C. I hadn't seen her in about 7 or 8 years. Over the years we drifted, but we picked right back up, like we never had. It is wonderful to have friends like that. C and her husband T, who I went to school with are the type of couple who make marriage look so easy. They can look at each other from across the room, and you just feel the love (yes, I'm cheesy,but it is so true). I only hope that D and I have that same look. Back to the wedding...

Off to the tiki bar for more drinks, and then to bed. Sunday was a boring trip back home. Then we picked up the pups. Short scare there. I stopped short, and Porter was standing in the back seat. Somehow she landed in the wheel well belly side up, with 3 legs up and one leg not. The squeals coming from her caused me to hit the brakes and stop in the middle of the road. Luckily, there was no one behind me. I managed to pull over to the side of the road, while D freed her pinned leg. Then he got her out of the car and she was fine. The squeals still haunt me though. Guinness of course was oblivious and was ticked I wouldn't roll down a window.
Nothing much else. Week 8 starts this week
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Boobs, Glorious Boobs!
Sing in tune with Food, Glorious Food!
This is what I sang over and over while swimming yesterday. Yes, I'm already behind on Week 7. Oh well. So anyway, I went to the pool, wearing what I was pretty sure what I was going to wear for the Tri. My Speedo, one piece (sorry no pic) . I got it last year. It is a little short in the chest area, but at the beach, I noticed it kept me still and no bounce. So all good. So this is what I wore yesterday.
Got to the pool and paid my $4, and got showered and then got in the pool. The first 50m, I felt a little off. Eh. The 2nd 50 m, I got to the wall, and one breast had popped out to the side. Oops. Only 1 guy in the lane so no whoop. The next 100 m my stroke was off every 4th stroke because I was adjusting. Dammit. At 200 m, the suit had moved strategically into the cleavage so one of the DDD's was all out. And yes, it is buoyant. At this point, it started thundering, so we had to get out of the pool. I adjusted and got out, and waited.
So we finally were allowed back in. The guy and I were talking and I apologized for giving him a peep show, he laughed, and we started. I finally figured out how to keep them from falling out of the sides, but then they fell out the top. I really hope I didn't offend anyone. By the time I was done swimming there were 7 people in my lane.
I got home and made dinner. Then Guinness decided she didn't want to stay in the front yard so she escaped. One of my neighbors was kind enough to let me know. Luckily for me, she is getting old. She only ran around like a fool for 30 minutes before she let me catch her.
This is what I sang over and over while swimming yesterday. Yes, I'm already behind on Week 7. Oh well. So anyway, I went to the pool, wearing what I was pretty sure what I was going to wear for the Tri. My Speedo, one piece (sorry no pic) . I got it last year. It is a little short in the chest area, but at the beach, I noticed it kept me still and no bounce. So all good. So this is what I wore yesterday.
Got to the pool and paid my $4, and got showered and then got in the pool. The first 50m, I felt a little off. Eh. The 2nd 50 m, I got to the wall, and one breast had popped out to the side. Oops. Only 1 guy in the lane so no whoop. The next 100 m my stroke was off every 4th stroke because I was adjusting. Dammit. At 200 m, the suit had moved strategically into the cleavage so one of the DDD's was all out. And yes, it is buoyant. At this point, it started thundering, so we had to get out of the pool. I adjusted and got out, and waited.
So we finally were allowed back in. The guy and I were talking and I apologized for giving him a peep show, he laughed, and we started. I finally figured out how to keep them from falling out of the sides, but then they fell out the top. I really hope I didn't offend anyone. By the time I was done swimming there were 7 people in my lane.
I got home and made dinner. Then Guinness decided she didn't want to stay in the front yard so she escaped. One of my neighbors was kind enough to let me know. Luckily for me, she is getting old. She only ran around like a fool for 30 minutes before she let me catch her.
Time: 7:22 (swim)
Mileage: 200 M (3:41 min/100M)
Calories: 57
Max HR 140
Avg HR 127
In Zone: 0
Time: 45:01 (swim)
Mileage: 1300 M (3:27 min/100M)
Calories: 353
Max HR 137
Avg HR 126
In Zone: 0
Mileage: 200 M (3:41 min/100M)
Calories: 57
Max HR 140
Avg HR 127
In Zone: 0
Time: 45:01 (swim)
Mileage: 1300 M (3:27 min/100M)
Calories: 353
Max HR 137
Avg HR 126
In Zone: 0
Monday, August 3, 2009
So I’m on Week 7 of Tri Training. After being on Week 6 for 3 weeks and going nowhere, I just said oh well. We got back from vacation, and we did a 2 mile run Tuesday, an hour bike ride Wednesday, and a 30 minute bike ride Friday. We skipped 2 swims and a 4 mile run, by Friday, but said we would swim on Saturday and Sunday. That didn’t work out.
Friday on the way to work, D called to tell me his grandmother passed away. After making sure he was ok, D said he wanted to ride. OK. I decided I would run on Saturday still, and go look for a dress, since I didn’t have one. D and I did our 30 minute ride, and went and got a beer after. We got home and his parents called to tell us the funeral was on Sunday morning in Florida. This was about at 830pm Friday night. So, we went to bed.
Saturday we got up. I was not going to run 6 miles and then get in a car for 7-9 hours. Just wouldn’t do it. I found some clothes to wear, packed, as did D. Loaded up the car, took the pups to daycare, and hit various McDonald’s down I-75 and across the turnpike to 95. The rest of the weekend was family stuff, I won’t bore you with that. We got back on Monday night. Tuesday, we both took the day off, because we were both exhausted and various things around the house needed to be taken care of (the source of a foul odor, for example). The run I planned on doing never materialized.
Wednesday, D and I planned a run, but the more I thought about it, the more flummoxed I became. I told him I had to take the week off and that I would resume on Saturday with a small run.
So that is what I did. 3 miles.
Sunday, I planned on biking but it was raining when I got up, and raining when I had a bfast date with D before he went to work, and raining when I came out of the grocery store, and raining when I finished the marinade for the chicken for dinner. So I leashed up Guinness and we went for a 2 mile run. This thing kicked my ass. Sunday afternoon, D met me after work at a Beginner’s Triathlon Seminar. Most of it was over my head… bikes, and aero bars, and drafting, and riding ala Tour de France. What I got out of it…eat lots of carbs 2 days before the race, and 1 day before, but don’t over eat. Just eat differently. Don’t use Gatorade all training and then switch to Goos on race day. And People in transitions are asses. Slow down when you get stitches or cramps, and you will be kicked in the head during the swim. There was a pro Triathlete there, and she was really nice. She talked to me about my “size” issue and not being able to find clothes. She said to just learn everyone’s return policy. And that one brands XS is another brands XL. This woman was a rail, and told me that a pair of bike shorts she has in an XL. It made me feel better. All in all I found the seminar beneficial.
This morning, I told D I was getting up at 5 to start Week 7. 3 mile run. I set out all my clothes. 5 came, and then 515. I got up and got dressed and then got back in bed. At 6 I got up, said bye, and left. Went to the gym and ran a SLOW 3 miles. I know why. My legs need a break. I can’t give them one until Saturday, perhaps Friday… I have plans on Saturday and Sunday and will not have access to the bike, so I moved my rest day from Monday to Saturday. And next Monday will be my Sunday. That is the plan for now at least. So anyway, the 3 miles sucked…I am exhausted, and I have a swim tonight. I’m so on top of things, I left my bathing suit at home.
Friday on the way to work, D called to tell me his grandmother passed away. After making sure he was ok, D said he wanted to ride. OK. I decided I would run on Saturday still, and go look for a dress, since I didn’t have one. D and I did our 30 minute ride, and went and got a beer after. We got home and his parents called to tell us the funeral was on Sunday morning in Florida. This was about at 830pm Friday night. So, we went to bed.
Saturday we got up. I was not going to run 6 miles and then get in a car for 7-9 hours. Just wouldn’t do it. I found some clothes to wear, packed, as did D. Loaded up the car, took the pups to daycare, and hit various McDonald’s down I-75 and across the turnpike to 95. The rest of the weekend was family stuff, I won’t bore you with that. We got back on Monday night. Tuesday, we both took the day off, because we were both exhausted and various things around the house needed to be taken care of (the source of a foul odor, for example). The run I planned on doing never materialized.
Wednesday, D and I planned a run, but the more I thought about it, the more flummoxed I became. I told him I had to take the week off and that I would resume on Saturday with a small run.
So that is what I did. 3 miles.
Sunday, I planned on biking but it was raining when I got up, and raining when I had a bfast date with D before he went to work, and raining when I came out of the grocery store, and raining when I finished the marinade for the chicken for dinner. So I leashed up Guinness and we went for a 2 mile run. This thing kicked my ass. Sunday afternoon, D met me after work at a Beginner’s Triathlon Seminar. Most of it was over my head… bikes, and aero bars, and drafting, and riding ala Tour de France. What I got out of it…eat lots of carbs 2 days before the race, and 1 day before, but don’t over eat. Just eat differently. Don’t use Gatorade all training and then switch to Goos on race day. And People in transitions are asses. Slow down when you get stitches or cramps, and you will be kicked in the head during the swim. There was a pro Triathlete there, and she was really nice. She talked to me about my “size” issue and not being able to find clothes. She said to just learn everyone’s return policy. And that one brands XS is another brands XL. This woman was a rail, and told me that a pair of bike shorts she has in an XL. It made me feel better. All in all I found the seminar beneficial.
This morning, I told D I was getting up at 5 to start Week 7. 3 mile run. I set out all my clothes. 5 came, and then 515. I got up and got dressed and then got back in bed. At 6 I got up, said bye, and left. Went to the gym and ran a SLOW 3 miles. I know why. My legs need a break. I can’t give them one until Saturday, perhaps Friday… I have plans on Saturday and Sunday and will not have access to the bike, so I moved my rest day from Monday to Saturday. And next Monday will be my Sunday. That is the plan for now at least. So anyway, the 3 miles sucked…I am exhausted, and I have a swim tonight. I’m so on top of things, I left my bathing suit at home.
Time: 8:57 (walk)
Mileage: .31 (28:52 min/mile)
Time: 30:25 (run)
Mileage: 2.01 (15:07 min/mile)
Calories: 523
Max HR 186
Avg HR 155
In Zone: 6:10
Time: 61:12 (bike)
Mileage: 10.08 (9.88 MPH)
Calories: 713
Max HR 176
Avg HR 150
In Zone 42:38
Time: 29:04 (bike)
Mileage: 5.24 (10.82 MPH)
Calories: 354
Max HR 177
Avg HR 148
In Zone 18:56
Time: 9:12 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23 min/mile)
Time: 43.03 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:50 min/mile)
Time: 3:32 (walk)
Mileage: .2Km (17:40 min/k)
Time: 14:43 (run)
Mileage: .6 (24:31 min/mile)
Calories: 848
Max HR 187
Avg HR 176
In Zone: 5:08
Time: 12:01 (walk)
Mileage: .35 (34:20 min/mile)
Time: 31:38 (run)
Mileage: 2.01 (15:39 min/mile)
Calories: 428
Max HR 179
Avg HR 147
In Zone: 11:10
Time: 9:16 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23:10 min/mile)
Time: 43.44 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (14:03 min/mile)
Time: 14:06 (run)
Mileage: .6 (23:30 min/mile)
Calories: 752
Max HR 181
Avg HR 167
In Zone: 10:08
Mileage: .31 (28:52 min/mile)
Time: 30:25 (run)
Mileage: 2.01 (15:07 min/mile)
Calories: 523
Max HR 186
Avg HR 155
In Zone: 6:10
Time: 61:12 (bike)
Mileage: 10.08 (9.88 MPH)
Calories: 713
Max HR 176
Avg HR 150
In Zone 42:38
Time: 29:04 (bike)
Mileage: 5.24 (10.82 MPH)
Calories: 354
Max HR 177
Avg HR 148
In Zone 18:56
Time: 9:12 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23 min/mile)
Time: 43.03 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (13:50 min/mile)
Time: 3:32 (walk)
Mileage: .2Km (17:40 min/k)
Time: 14:43 (run)
Mileage: .6 (24:31 min/mile)
Calories: 848
Max HR 187
Avg HR 176
In Zone: 5:08
Time: 12:01 (walk)
Mileage: .35 (34:20 min/mile)
Time: 31:38 (run)
Mileage: 2.01 (15:39 min/mile)
Calories: 428
Max HR 179
Avg HR 147
In Zone: 11:10
Time: 9:16 (walk)
Mileage: .4 (23:10 min/mile)
Time: 43.44 (run)
Mileage: 3.11 (14:03 min/mile)
Time: 14:06 (run)
Mileage: .6 (23:30 min/mile)
Calories: 752
Max HR 181
Avg HR 167
In Zone: 10:08
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