Weight I have lost

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oops! I did it again!

I was all excited last month that I would be able to run again and start training for a Mercedes Emblem that I could wear around my neck. But that pesky bursitis decided to not let me. So alas, I didn't sign up. I took off most of November (I ran once).

Guinness has reached 36 pounds (hooray). We are getting used to the fact that we are house-bound or can only travel limited distance, thus cramping our vacation style (not to mention that pesky thing called $0.00 in savings and a $90/wk Guinness-food bill).

Once again, I had to fight the government and won (sort of), with them charging me $500 for a water bill. I say sort of because it turned out no one actually read my water meter for 2.5 years. They read my neighbors. So my neighbor and I both paid the same water bill, except they paid it for their meter and I paid it based off a reading off their meter but the reading was assigned to my meter (typical Atlanta bureaucracy). Anyway after writing my councilmen, the mayor, the water commissioner and the deputy water commissioners, I was noticed and we worked out something we can all live with.

The hip still hurts. I'm kind of resigned to it hurting forever. It isn't full blown can't walk hurt. It is "getting on my nerves, low grade hurt." So after ignoring my Kentucky Derby emails for 3 months, I knew I had to make a decision. Why now...because one of the emails gave me a discount if I signed up in November because I answered a survey awhile back.

To run or not to run. I knew D wanted to do it. I know I want to do it. I know Guinness, if still alive, will be coming with us and it is a long car ride. D said if I couldn't run it, he would walk it with me. I told him don't be silly, he would just have to wait at the end for a really long time. :)

So Monday, I saved that whopping $5 and...


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Yay! But I don't like the name "mini-Marathon." It seems so cute-ish.

Unknown said...

That gives you plenty of time to (hopefully) figure out what is going on with the hip. Good for you for signing up!

timeformetofly said...

Woo-hoo! You will rock that half!

So sorry the hip has still been a pain, but I hope you get it all figure out.

Carolina John said...

There's nothing mini about a half. Rock it!

Julie said...

Good for you! I'm assuming a mini marathon is a 1/2?

RockStarTri said...

It is always exciting to sign up for a race. Go you!

kizzy said...

i guess you go for a run...

--I prefer running without shoes. My toes didn't get cold. Besides, if I'm in front from the start, no one can step on them. ~Michelle Dekkers - arteryx jackets

Tammy said...

Yay for the Half Marathon!

And double Yay! for Guinness getting up to 36 lbs!!

Nitmos said...

Good for you! Half marathons get no respect with the lousy re-titling that goes on.