I have a bug bite that has left my right hand numb. After being misdiagnosed (dumb-ass Doogie Houser told me Cortaid and Neosporine would be fine) and having the arm getting infected, causing my hand/fingers to go numb and the infection starting to go up my arm, I can't ride my bike until my fingers resume feeling per the 2nd doctor's orders (and am now on steroids, and anti-biotics after a visit to Urgent Care).
1st Doctor's Visit (I saw someone in my normal Dr's office since my DR was on vacation)
ME: I have a bite that looks infected and now can't feel my hand. The bite is swollen, and warm and I've been putting Neospore and Cortaid on it and taking Benadryl at night. This has lasted since Saturday.
Him: You have a bite that looks infected and that's why you can't feel your hand. The bite is swollen, and warm so put Neosporine and Cortaid on it and take Benadryl at night. This should make it better.
ME: That’s it?
Him: Yes.
ME: Wow, and to think I could have had a medical degree all this time...
He walked out of the room. $95 to self-diagnose myself.
At Urgent Care 2 days later, my arm looked like this...

New Doctor: I hear you have a bug bite.
Me: And it is infected.
New Doctor (looking at arm): I bet you can't feel your hand (I have not shared this info with him).
Me: How did you know?
New Doctor: Bug bite is sitting on top of the major nerve that runs into your fingers. That is a nasty infection you have running up your arm too.
Writes me a 'script for some drugs. Says I should resume feeling in my hand by Saturday... I highly recommend the Doc in the Box in the Best Buy Shopping Center on Haynes Bridge (I don't know the real name of the place).
So since I can only type with one finger on my right hand, it bugs me to blog.
Week 4- I got every workout.
Week 5- I've missed 1 bike so far per doctor's orders.
But I'm here reading...
Time: 7:15 (walk)
Mileage: .20 (36:15 min/mile)
Time: 47:54 (run)
Mileage: 3.50 (13:41 min/mile)
Time: 18:26 (walk)
Mileage: .80 (23:02 min/mile)
Calories: 829
Max HR 177
Avg HR 160
In Zone
Time: 84:38 (bike)
Mileage: 15.25 (10.81 MPH)
Calories: 915
Max HR 169
Avg HR 136
In Zone 23:42
Time: 41:00 (swim)
Mileage: 1200m (3:25 min/100m)
Calories: 384
Max HR 156
Avg HR 139
In Zone 5:21
Time: 33:34 (swim)
Mileage: 1000m (3:21 min/100m)
Calories: 312
Max HR 155
Avg HR 138
In Zone 2:56
Mileage: .20 (36:15 min/mile)
Time: 47:54 (run)
Mileage: 3.50 (13:41 min/mile)
Time: 18:26 (walk)
Mileage: .80 (23:02 min/mile)
Calories: 829
Max HR 177
Avg HR 160
In Zone
Time: 84:38 (bike)
Mileage: 15.25 (10.81 MPH)
Calories: 915
Max HR 169
Avg HR 136
In Zone 23:42
Time: 41:00 (swim)
Mileage: 1200m (3:25 min/100m)
Calories: 384
Max HR 156
Avg HR 139
In Zone 5:21
Time: 33:34 (swim)
Mileage: 1000m (3:21 min/100m)
Calories: 312
Max HR 155
Avg HR 138
In Zone 2:56
OMG...that's your arm? When I first saw the picture on FB, I thought it was your leg!!!! That is swolen!
You're a pretty good typist with only one finger on your right hand...which one is it?
That's crazy! Thank goodness you went to another (qualified) doc. And I am soooo impressed with your workout schedule... WOW!
OMG...that looks horrible! I hope that clears up fast. Nice job on all those workouts.
HOLY CRAP, that blows! Dumb ass Doogie didn't know what he was talking about. Looks painful.
sorry to hear about the first doc! And $95.
Hope you feel better!
Doc in a box? You are TOO funny. I know what you mean though. I hate wasting my time and there are too many docs who do. "Gee, your ankle hurts? Don't run on it. $95."
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