Thursday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.
Friday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.
Saturday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.
Sunday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.
Monday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.Tuesday I woke up with the hip hurting. Great. Popped Aleve.
I finally gave in and realized this has become an issue. I called the doctor. I went to see him on Wednesday. He thought it was tendonitis but it wasn't his specialty, so he called the Orthopedist and got me in for the next day. Basically he said my quality of life is going down since I'm canceling or not signing up for events (I didn't sign up for the 5K). And that I was too active for this to be a weekend warrior injury so he was concerned.
Thursday, I went to the Ortho. Got lots of x-rays because they x-rayed the wrong hip due to me not knowing my right from my left. Then the next set didn't come out. Finally got a decent set.
After talking to the doc, he said my shoes wear really well. And I self-diagnosed my knee issue 3 years ago correctly with the proper brace. And I need to stay away from the concrete.
So the good news...I don't have arthritis or any fracture. Bad news, no running for 6 weeks and I have to go to Physical Therapy. He gave me some new meds that don't work worth shit, so I'm going back to Aleve (yes it still hurts). If it doesn't stop hurting in 3 weeks, I have to call for an injection. Which I wanted Thursday, but he said no. Oh well.
I told him I have 2 half-marathons to run in Feb and in April. He said I will be good by then. So that was good to hear. I went and filled the 'script. I kept thinking about no running, and cried in Kroger. So I bought a 6 pack. I came home and D and I drank.
I will ask the PT if there is other exercise. I forgot to ask the doctor.
In other good news, our new washing machine came.
What a drag!!!! So sorry your not able to run right now but at least it is just a temporary set back.
PT should help. It will be better than just taking aleve for pain.
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