I should have guessed that a run that gives $20 of the $25 admission to the school of your choice would also have kids in it. But that would have required me to think, so no, I didn't. It started out yesterday. You had to go to Niketown to pick up your race packet during the hours of inconvenient and more inconvenient. But I did it. I asked the volunteer if she had a pen, and she said, "What is it with you parents not having pens?" I said, "I don't know, I'm not a parent.""She said, "Then why are you running?" I said, "Because the run benefits the community, sheesh, is this an inquisition or a place to get a T-shirt." So I got my T-shirt and number. You were supposed to wear the T-shirt, but it was cotton, so uh no (I'm now a running snob, I guess, because last year that was fine!).
Incidentally if you have a chance to see Corey Glover (Living Colour-Cult of Personality)in Jesus Christ Superstar, do this, only if the tickets are free. If he isn't it, I don't recommend seeing the play, free or not.
So this morning, D and I woke up. It was 41 degrees. Not a big deal, as my Maryland runs were in the upper 30s. I drove D to work, and then drove down to Piedmont Park. Parked relatively close, texted Johnathan and Anne where I parked (different then where I had told them yesterday), and sat in the car until about 7. Walked to the information and got my chip and it started to snow.
I walked around a little loop twice to stay warm. Anne showed up in shorts. J and their daughter C showed up (they were parking the car). C wanted to come with us, and you could tell J was ready for the 1 mile run that he and C were going to do at 9...hahahaha. So it was 7:50 and A and I went and lined up.
Tons of kids everywhere running the 5K. No one lined up by the pace markers. It was a bit annoying. They talked and talked and talked, and finally the race began.
Mile 1 consisted mostly of running around people who were walking. Not a big thing on 10th street since it was closed completely. We turned onto Piedmont, and the road narrowed for the runners. This meant I usually had to run around a cone into oncoming traffic because parents don't understand running etiquette and were walking with their kids 5 across holding hands. That was really annoying. It was an obstacle course. Or worse, you had kids who would be running and suddenly stop and turn around and walk the other way. So most of the run on Piedmont was like this and didn't really offer "me" time.
What was cool however was to see the parents who were runners who were "training" their kids. I passed a lot of those too. They were doing a Galloway Method type run. That was cool because you would hear "On your left" coming from waist high and then some pint-size runner would go past you.
So, oh, it also started snowing and the wind picked up around here. So obstacle course, wind, snow in the face oh my!
I passed the water station which meant I missed the mile marker 1 and didn't see it. I turned onto Monroe. This road had some hills. But they were like level 2 and 3.5 on the treadmill, which I run weekly, so I just took it there. The road narrowed again and now the runners were set to 1 lane. At this point I realized, I really wasn't going to get to clear my head, and I really don't know what I had to clear about. Still the obstacle course, but I relaxed a bit. We passed1 Midtown Kitchen, where I discovered my hatred for Richard Blais. He is on TopChef this year. I hope he loses. He lost Iron Chef. He is a pricckk. My fork got taken at 1MK, and he would not give me another one, and was insulted when after 5 minutes of waiting for a fork, I got up, went to the kitchen and asked for one. That and flat iron steak (like 3 oz) with Oreida fries was $27. I'm glad every restaurant he has touched since has gone down in flames! Oh that got me up through Amsterdam and Park. There is another light. That can't be 10th Street ahead. I'm running kind of in a little groove, albeit slow. Rocking out to Foo Fighters. Oh shitte, how long how they have been on. I'm supposed to kick it up when they are on.
Pass Park Tavern (D and I got married there). On to 10th. Look up, I'm tired. Duh! I didn't have breakfast. I am spent. I have one more hill. OK, just push it. Bon Jovi comes on. I can't push it. This hill is looooonnnnnnngggggg. Finally got to the park opening. Run into the park. There is A, J and C.
I can't push it to the finish line. It is over 42. Bon Jovi is done and Jimmy Eat World just started. I cross the line. I go through and take off my chip. Then I decide to look at the time. So I don't know what it is yet. I'll update. I grab 2 waters, and go and find my friends. C is now bundled in A's fleece. J looks cold. A looks refreshed. They say C is too cold to run the 1 mile, so we go and get her a goodie bag and walk back to the cars.
I totally forgot to ask A how her run was (typical of me). We part ways and I drive home. I check the temp. It was now 33 degrees. No wonder it was so cold. Took a shower, ate some oatmeal and drank some milk and then I took a nap. All in all, a pretty good run. Parents and kids came out to better their schools, runners came out, and everyone came out to support their communities. And I was done my exercise for the day before 9AM.